Research Design for Applied Inquiry about Humans Course Description This class is designed for the computer science student who is planning on or has conducted research involving human participants and has taken at least one introductory statistics course. The topic will be the design of studies that attempt to investigate people or systems of people using technology. We will discuss the rationale for, core principles of, and discipline involved in different designs, and in utilizing qualitative, experimental and quasi-experimental methods with an emphasis on avoiding mistakes. Qualitative research topics will include an introduction to techniques, values, and questions in phenomenologically-oriented investigations. Experimental and quasi-experimental topics will include discussion of the relationship between design and validity, assumptions behind different designs, kinds of evidence, kinds of data, handling data, and analysis. The course will not teach statistics or use them (much) but will assume a basic familiarity with introductory statistical principles. Advanced undergraduates may be accepted into the course. Instructor: Deborah Tatar