Advanced Topics in Computer Engineering: Resource Management in Wireless Networks (ECE 6504) Spring 2007 Instructor: Dr. Yaling Yang Office: Durham 335 Email: Phone: 540-231-5713 Class Schedule: Monday and Wednesday, 2:00pm to 3:15pm Room: RAND 318 CRN: 16537 Corequisite: ECE/CS 5566 (Network Architecture and Protocols II) or equivalent background Course Overview The expanded availability of wireless devices has enabled the explosive growth of wireless applications. The growing resource demands from these applications make the problem of intelligent resource management critical to the success of different types of wireless networks. This advanced topics course is a comprehensive coverage of resource management issues in various types of wireless networks, including wireless local area networks (WLANs), sensor networks, ad hoc networks, mesh networks and cognitive radio wireless networks. It provides an in-depth survey of the challenges of effective resource management in wireless networks and covers the most recent advances in the design, implementation, modeling and evaluation of dynamic resource management schemes. The object is to expose participants to the principles and techniques of designing resource-aware network systems, and in a participatory setting, enable them to discuss and creatively synthesize these ideas to research projects of choice. The course will be conducted in a beneficial cooperative learning setting. Lectures, group discussions, research projects and participant presentations will constitute this course. Course materials will be drawn from the most recent research papers, industry white papers, and Request for Comments (RFCs) from the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Major topics include bandwidth management through access control, power saving through sleep/awake scheduling, resource-aware routing, topology control, cross-layer resource management and dynamic spectrum management. Required Work and Grading Policies A list of papers will be provided at the beginning of the semester. A subset of these papers will be presented by the instructor, introducing the basic research challenges and results in each topic. Each student is required to at least have one in-class paper presentation. A semester long project will be performed. It should cover an in-depth survey and novel research on an advanced topic, including modeling, analysis, simulations, implementation, and/or measurements. Conference or journal papers are encouraged to be published as a result. A list of potential projects will be provided in the class while students are also encouraged to define their own project with the instructor's consent. Type of assignment Percent of Grade ---------------------------------------- Paper presentation 10% Paper summary 10% Home work & mini-projects 10% Midterm 20% Term project proposal and progress report 20% Final project and term paper 30% ===================================== Yaling Yang Assistant Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Virginia Tech Email: Phone: (540)231-5713 Web: