CS 6804: Learning and Sequential Decision-Making Dr. Sanmay Das Spring 2013 This course will study, from a computer science perspective, the problems faced by agents who are situated in dynamic, changing environments. The central question is how agents should reason in order to make the best decisions in these environments. In order to do so, they must be able to learn from experience and perform complex decision-making tasks under uncertainty. Topics to be covered include, but are not limited to, Markov decision processes, partial observability, reinforcement learning, bandit problems, sequential search, and reasoning and learning in games. The course will largely follow a seminar format. Students will be expected to complete the assigned reading before class and come to class ready to engage in discussing the reading. Most of the reading list will be drawn from recent literature (such as the ICML, NIPS, AAAI, IJCAI, AAMAS and EC conferences). The major deliverable will be a group project that students will work on through the course of the semester. Prerequisites: Undergraduate class in AI (CS 4804 or equivalent) or machine learning or data analytics. Graduate work in algorithms/machine learning/data mining strongly recommended. Familiarity with probability and ability to program (ideally in a language that is mathematically flexible and well-suited for rapid prototyping, e.g. Matlab, R, or Python) are absolutely essential.