CS6604: Reinventing CS Education
through the eTextbook
Assignment 1: Spring 2012
15% of semester grade
You must give a class presention during the course of the semester. The presenations will typically last around 45-60 minutes. Presentation topics must be relevant the course topic of eTextbooks. Reasonable topics for presentation include reporting on relevant educational experiences that you have had that include online course materials, research projects that you have been involved in relating to eTextbooks and online education, computer software or systems relevant to eTextbooks, or pedagogical issues related to eTextbooks.
Topic and date for presentation must be approved by and coordinated with Dr. Shaffer All students must schedule their presentation date and topic by Monday, February 6. By that date, send me email describing what you would like to present, and information about when you would like to do your presentation.
A presentation might be organized around one or two papers and class discussion. In this case, you should inform the class a week in advance of what paper(s) they should read to prepare for the discussion.
Here are some potential topics for presentation.
- Khan Academy Infrastructure (Taken: Eric Fouh)
- Commercial eTextbook systems (e.g., Cengage Learning)
- Automated assessment systems and question banks
- Systems for automated grading of programs, or teaching programming
- Intelligent Tutors
- Pedagogy: Learning Styles
- Pedagogy: "No Significant Difference" controversy
- Evaluating pedagogical effectiveness of an educational intervention
- Capabilities of commercial eBook systems: Kindle, Apple, etc.
- Internationalization of eTextbook materials
- Document markup langugaes
- Lab-based implementation vs. fully online courses using courseware
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