CS6604: Reinventing CS Education through the eTextbook Classnotes for Wednesday, January 18: Introduction * Verbally introduce each other (distributed class) * Course URL: http://people.cs.vt.edu/~shaffer/CS6604/ * Class Syllabus * Course Piazza page: http://piazza.com/class#spring2012/cs6604 * Whiteboard: http://vyew.com/ * Course expectations/requirements (workload) - Class project 45% - Peer evaluations of projects: 5% - Class presentation 15% - Classroom/forum participation 15% - Paper 20% * Introduction: 4 questions for the course: 1) Where have we been? The history of eTextbooks 2) Where are we now? The current state-of-the-art 3) Where do we want to go? The vision for what we would like, and the impact that it will have on education 4) How do we get there? (i) Developing a technical program for what needs doing (ii) How educational research is conducted * What do I mean by "eTextbook"? - Next time, I will lay out an architecture defining the various pieces that might be needed for an eTextbook - For now, at a minimum, something with instructional content, rather than purely activity (the "text"). - With that as a lead-in, we can go to the following discussion questions. * Discussion Questions: - What courseware have you encountered? Discussion - What would you like to see in an eTextbook? Discussion