eTextbooks: Relevant Reasearch Papers and Websites
Background and Pedagogy
- Hundhausen, et al. (JVLC 2002 "Meta-study"): "A Meta-Study of Algorithm Visualization Effectiveness"
- R. B.-B. Levy and M. Ben-Ari (2007), " We work so hard and they don't use it: Acceptance of software tools by teachers" in Proceedings of 12th annual SIGCSE conference on Innovation and technology in computer science education, 246-250.
- E. Fouh, M. Akbar, and C.A. Shaffer, "The Role of Visualization in Computer Science Education" (.pdf), Computers in the Schools 29, Issue 1-2, 2012 95-117.
- J.A. Kaminski, V.M. Sloutsky, and A.F. Heckler, "The Advantage of Abstract Examples in Learning Math" (.pdf), Science 320, April 25, 2008, 454-455. See also these replies.
- R.E. Clark and D.F. Feldon, " Five Common but Questionable Principles of Multimedia Learning" in Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia learning, R. Mayer (ed), 2005.
"Flipped" or "Inside-Out" Model of Instruction
- D.J. Waldorf and L.T. Schlemer, "The Inside-Out Classroom: A Win-Win-Win Strategy for Teaching with Technology", Computers in Education Journal 3, 1(January-March) 2012, 37-46.
Traditional Lecture vs. Online and Blended Courses
- A.P. Rovai and H.M. Jordan, Blended Learning and Sense of Community: A comparative analysis with traditional and fully online graduate courses International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning 5, 2(August, 2004), 1-13.
- N.W. Coppola, S.R. Hiltz, and N. Rotter, Becoming a Virtual Professor: Pedagogical Roles and ALN, in Proceedings of the 34th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2001.
- S.S. Easton, Clarifying the Instructorbs Role in Online Distance Learning, Communication Education 52, 2(April 2003), 87-105.
- A. Hawkins, M.K. Barbour, and C.R. Graham, Strictly Business: Teacher Perceptions of Interaction in Virtual Schooling, The Journal of Distance Education 25, 2(2011).
- K. Swan, Virtual interaction: Design factors affecting student satisfaction and perceived learning in asynchronous online courses, Distance Education 22, 2(2001).
- K. Swan, Building Learning Communities in Online Courses: the importance of interaction, Education, Communication, & Information 2, 1(2002).
- T. Morgan, Online Classroom or Community-in-the-Making? Instructor Conceptualizations and Teaching Presence in International Online Contexts The Journal of Distance Education 25, 1(2011).
Learning Styles vs. Cognitive Theory
- R.M. Felder, "Index of Learning Styles," available here
- R.M. Felder and L.K. Silverman, " Learning and Teaching Styles in Engineering Education", Engineering Education 78, 7(1988), 674-681.
- Pashler, H. McDaniel, M. Rohrer, D. and Bjork, R., " Learning styles concepts and evidence", Psychological Science in the Public Interest 9, 3 (2008).
- Dunn, R.S. and Dunn, K.J., " Teaching students through their individual learning styles: A practical approach, (1978).
- Felder, R.M. and Spurlin, J., " Applications, reliability and validity of the index of learning styles", International Journal of Engineering Education 21, 1 (2005).
- Coffield, F. and others, " Learning styles and pedagogy in post-16 learning: A systematic and critical review", (2004).
- R.E. Mayer, " Cognitive Theory and the Design of Multimedia Instruction: An Example of the Two-Way Street Between Cognition and Instruction", in New Directions for Teaching and Learning, Spring 2002, 55-71.
- Massa, L.J. and Mayer, R.E., " Testing the ATI hypothesis: Should multimedia instruction accommodate verbalizer-visualizer cognitive style?", Learning and Individual Differences 16, 4(2006).
- R.E. Mayer, " Applying the Science of Learning: Evidence-Based Principles for the Design of Multimedia Instruction American Psychologist, 63(8), 2008, 760-769.
No Significant Difference
- S.B. Conger, If There Is No Significant Difference, Why Should We Care?
- D.G. Oblinger and B.L. Hawkins, The Myth about No Significant Difference.
Current Technology: eBook readers and tablets
- L.C. Larson, "Digital Readers: The Next Chapter in E-Book Reading and Response", The Reading Teacher 64, 1(2010), 15-22.
- C. Gibson and F. Gibb, "An evaluation of second-generation ebook readers", The Electronic Library 29, 3(2011), 303-319.
- textbooks for iPad and Apple iBook Authoring App
- Will Textbooks for iPad Change Education?
- 5 Ways iBooks Author Changes the Education Landscape
- iBooks is not the education revolution you've been looking for
Automated Assessment
- Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC), Effective Practice with e-Assessment, 2007.
- S.H. Edwards, Using Software Testing to Move Students from Trial-and- Error to Reflection-in-Action (.pdf), Proceedings of SIGCSE’04, 2004, 26-30.
- S.H. Edwards, Using Test-Driven Development in the Classroom: Providing Students with Automatic, Concrete Feedback on Performance (.pdf), Proceedings of the International Conference on Education and Information Systems: Technologies and Applications (EISTA’03), 2003, 421–426.
- V. Karavirta, A. Korhonen, and L. Malmi, "On the Use of Resubmissions in Automatic Assessment System" (.pdf), Computer Science Education, 16(3), September 2006, 229-240.
- K.M. Ala-Mutka, A Survey of Automated Assessment Approaches for Programming Assignments, Computer Science Education 15, 2(2005), 83-102.
- P. Ihantola and V. Karavirta, Review of Recent Systems for Automatic Assessment of Programming Assignments, Proceedings of the 10th Koli Calling International Conference on Computing Education Research, 2010, 86-93.
eBooks for Children
- O. Korat and A. Shamir, Electronic books versus adult readers: effects on children's emergent literacy as a function of social class, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning (2007), 23, 248-259.
- Sally Maynard and Emily Cheyne, Can electronic textbooks help children to learn? The Electronic Library 23, 1(2005), 103-115.
- A.K. Moody, Using Electronic Books in the Classroom to Enhance Emergent Literacy Skills in Young Children, Journal of Literacy and Technology 11, 4(November 2010), 23-52.
- O. Korat, Reading electronic books as a support for vocabulary, story comprehension and word reading in kindergarten and first grade, Computers & Education 55 (2010) 24-31
Algorithm Visualizations: Background Papers
- Naps, et al. (ITiCSE WG 2002): "Exploring the Role of Visualization and Engagement in computer science education" 250.
- Naps, et al. (ITiCSE WG 2003): "Evaluating the Educational Impact of Visualization"
- Urquiza-Fuentes and Velazquez-Iturbide (2009) "A Survey of Successful Evaluations of Program Visualization and Algorithm Animation Systems"
- Saraiya, et al. (SIGCSE 2004): "Effective Features of Algorithm Visualizations"
- Shaffer, et al. (TOCE 2010): "Algorithm Visualization: The State of the Field"
- Shaffer, et al. (SIGCSE 2011): "Getting Algorithm Visualizations into the Classroom"
- Shaffer, et al. (Hashing Tutorial Paper): "Going Beyond Algorithm Visualization to Algorithm Exploration"
AV Software and Websites
- AlgoViz Project Homepage
- OpenDSA
- Virginia Tech Hashing Tutorial
- TRAKLA2 Exercises, which pioneered the concept of "proficiency exercises" for algorithms. See for example the Heap Tutorial.
- D. Galles, Data Structure Visualization
- A. Marcus and E.W. Gould, " Crosscurrents: Cultural Dimensions and Global Web User-Interface Design", interactions, July-August 2000, 32-46.
- M. Kam, D. Ramachandran, V. Devanathan, A. Tewari, and J. Canny, Localized Iterative Design for Language Learning in Underdeveloped Regions: The PACE Framework, Proceedings of CHI 2007, 1097-1106.
- W. Barber and A. Badre, Culturability: The Merger of Culture and Usability, in Proceedings of 4th Conference on Human Factors & the Web, June, 1998.
- Rößling G., Translator: A Package for Internationalization for Java-based Applications and GUIs, in Proceedings of the 12th ACM SIGCSE/SIGCUE International Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE 2006), Bologna, Italy: ACM Press; 2006. 312
Multimedia Courseware for Medical Training
- M. Maleck, et al, Do Computers teach better? A Media Comparison Study for Case-based Teaching in Radiology, RadioGraphics 21, July 2001, 1025-1032.
- M.S. Frank and K. Dreyer, Beyond the Electronic Textbook Model: Software Techniques to make educational content Dynamic Journal of Digital Imaging 14, 2(June 2001), 108-112.
- C. Silen, et al, Advanced 3D visualization in student-centred medical education. Med Teach 30 5(June 2008), e115-24.
- Anders Ynnerman's TED Talk
Electronic Textbooks: Vision
- Rossling, et al. (ITiCSE WG 2006): "Merging Interactive Visualizations with Hypertextbooks and course management"
- C.A. Shaffer, V. Karavirta, A. Korhonen and T.L. Naps, OpenDSA: Beginning a Community Hypertextbook Project (.pdf), in Proceedings of 11th Koli Calling International Conference on Computing Education Research, November 17-20, 2011, Koli National Park, Finland, 112--117.
- C.A. Shaffer, T.L. Naps, and E. Fouh, Truly Interactive Textbooks for Computer Science Education (.pdf), in Proceedings of the Sixth Program Visualization Workshop, June 30, 2011, Darmstadt, Germany, 97-103.
- J.H.-Y. Kim and H.-Y. Jung, "South Korean digital textbook project", Computers in the Schools, 27(3 & 4):247-265, 2010.
Electronic Texbooks: Infrastructure
- Connexions Project Homepage
- Quadbase question bank
- OpenStax College: A spin-off from Connexions that is supposed to provide high-quality eTextbooks.
- LeMill Homepage
- OpenDSA Project Website
- reStructuredText, which can be translated to HTML (and other formats) with Sphinx.
- MathJax for adding LaTeX formatted equations to HTML files. An alternative is mathTeX.
Khan Academy (and similar efforts)
- Khan Academy
- Clive Thompson, How Khan Academy Is Changing the Rules of Education, Wired, August 2011.
- Sal Khan's TED talk
- WEPS: World Education Portals, online mathematics courses including Khan Academy-style generated exercises. WEPS courses are more tightly integrated than KA's approach of disjoint videos and exercises.
- Education Portal: Khan Academy-style mini-lecture videos (though more polished), all for free. Aimed at students who want to self-study for college course credit through CLEP exam. They have developed content for many standard intro college courses. Each module has a few simple multiple choice questions for self-assessment.
Intelligent Tutors
- A.T. Corbett, K.R. Koedinger, and J.R. Anderson, Intelligent Tutoring Systems, in Handbook of Human-Computer Interaction, Second, Completely Revised Edition, M. Helander, T. K. Landauer, and P. Prabhu (Eds), Elsevier Science B.V., 1997, Chapter 37.
- J.R. Anderson, C.F. Boyle, and B.J. Reiser, Intelligent Tutoring Systems (.pdf), Science 228, April 1985, 456-462.
- J.R. Anderson, F.G. Conrad, and A.T. Corbett, Skill Acquisition and the LISP Tutor (.pdf), Cognitive Science 13, 1989, 467-505.
- A. Brunstein, S.A. Betts, and J.R. Anderson, (2009). Practice enables successful learning under minimal guidance (.pdf), Journal of Educational Psychology, 101(4), 790-802.
- D.D. Suthers, Representational and Advisory Guidance for Learning: Alternate Roles for AI (.pdf), Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, August 9-12, 1999, Honolulu Hawai’i, USA
- V.A.W.M.M. Aleven and K.R. Koedinger, An effective metacognitive strategy: learning by doing and explaining with a computer-based Cognitive Tutor (.pdf), Cognitive Science 26 (2002), 147-179.
- K. Forbes-Riley and D. Litman, Designing and evaluating a wizarded uncertainty-adaptive spoken dialogue tutoring system (.pdf), Computer Speech and Language 25 (2011) 105-126.
- A. Granic, S. Stankov, and J. Nakic, Designing Intelligent Tutors to Adapt Individual Interaction, (.pdf), LNCS 4397, 2007, 137-153.
- A. Marion and A. Oluwafunmilayo, DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF AN INTELLIGENT INSTRUCTIVE SYSTEM: (Scholastic Tutor (St*) (.pdf), Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education-TOJDE 12, 4(October), 2011, 34-44.
- L. Ford, A new intelligent tutoring system (.pdf), British Journal of Educational Technology 39(2), 2008 311-318.
- H.S. Nwana, An Approach to Developing Intelligent Tutors in Mathematics (.pdf), Computers in Education 20 1(1993), 27-43.
Online Sites for Learning to Program
- How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python: Interactive Edition (Using Python 3.x)
- CS Circles: Another online Python eTextbook
- Google Python Tutor and a paper about it.
- eL-CID Web Programming
- Alice
- JhavePop
- Jeliot
University eTextbook efforts
- Gradiance: This appears to offer the most sophisticated automated assessment process for the entries on this list. While the assessment is based on multiple choice questions, it is a "smart" treatment that lets students repeat missed questions while not rewarding guessing. There are small programming exercises.
- Kurt Gramoll's eCourses include case-based learning problems and simulations. See also: M. Huang and K. Gramoll, Online Interactive Multimedia for Engineering Thermodynamics, in 2004 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, American Society for Engineering Education.
Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs)
I'll leave the following comment that I made about them from before the current hype!
These are all more or less the same: talking-heads videos with rather naive multiple choice assessments.
- Stanford AI course
- MITx
- edX
- CMU Open Learning Initiative
- Coursera
- Udacity
- Marian Petre and Mary Shaw, What's the Value Proposition of Distance Education? ACM Inroads 3, 3(Sept 2012), 26-28.