@ Skidmore, Owings & Merrill

Pacific Bell San Ramon Valley Operating Center
.  Managed the largest CAD project SOM had undertaken at that time.  Computer supported full-service project;  responsible for service delivery, organization and training of staff, and new system development.

San Francisco Database
. Organized systematic digitization of San Francisco CBD, waterfront, Civic Center, and other urban features.  Provided first comprehensive computerized database of volumetric information.

Financial Management System. Designed and  implemented conversion to an on-line interactive accounting and job-costing system from a batch-oriented one.  Enabled accounting staff to support a company that tripled in size.  Initiated integrated office automation system.

Manpower Management System. Designed and implemented integrated project costing and planning system.

Pacific Gas and Electric Site Selection System. Designed and wrote housing and transportation model to asses possible suburban sites for large office facility.  System simulated impact on existing employees of relocation to possible suburban sites.

Davies Symphony Hall
.  Rapid structural engineering turn-around.

Bandhar Shahpur New Town Planning System. Designed and wrote database system for land use planning.  Allowed town planners to model economic and demographic impact of alternative layouts of town.

Bank of America Data Centers' EIR. Developed 3-D CAD drawings for Environmental Impact Reports.

copyright Steve Harrison 2007