CS/STAT 5525: Data Analytics (Spring 2021)
Course Title: CS/STAT 5525: Data Analytics (3 credits, CRNs: 13294, 13295, 19845, 19846)
Anuj Karpatne
Class Type: Online Course with Synchronous Meetings on Zoom
Class Timings: Tue, Thu: 2:00 pm - 3:15 pm Eastern; Zoom URL:
Instructor Office Hours: Tue, Thu: 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm Eastern; Zoom URL:
Note: If you are interested in taking this class but haven't been able to register yet, please attend the first week of classes to obtain information on how to request force-add.
Link to Background Survey or "Assignment 0" (also has option to request force-add) to be completed by 01/21:
Signup Link for the Piazza Page of the Course:
Course Syllabus:
Course Lecture Slides:
Ch1: Introduction to Data Mining
Ch1: Introduction to Data Mining