Virginia Tech (2022 - )
- CS-5244: Web Application Development (Fall'22)
- CS-5040: Intermediate Data Structures (Fall'22)
George Mason University (2019 - 2022)
- Low-Level Programming using C
- Object Oriented Programming (Using Java)
- Data Structures
Southern Illinois University Carbondale (2015 - 2019)
- Senior Project in CS I & II
- Programming with Data Structure in Java
- Internet and Mobile Computing
- Web Application Development
- Theory of Programming Languages
- Discrete Mathematics
Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia (2007 - 2015)
- Wireless Networking and Mobile Computing
- Computer Systems Security
- Computer Networks and Data Communication
- Fundamentals of Database
- Advanced DBMS
- Fundamentals of Programming I & II (using C++)
- Object Oriented Programming using Java
- Data Structure (using C++)
- Operating Systems
- System Design and Analysis
- Introduction to Computer Science