CS 5234 Advanced Parallel
Massive Parallel Programming on GPUs
Spring 2013
Monday and Wednesday 2:30-3:45pm at Mcbryde 308
Instructor: Yong Cao
Phone: (540) 231-0415
Email: yongcao@vt.edu
Office Hour: By appointment.
Course Description:
On chip paralllelization has become a new frontier in high
performance computing research due to the advances in IC design and the
end of "Moore's Law", which is considered to be the free lunch for
performance gain without code writting. Graphics Processing Units
(GPUs) takes the attention of the computing community for their massive
computational power, ubiquitous availability, and ease of programming.
For example, the current generation of NVIDIA's Kepler K20X GPU has
2688 computing cores, and mind-blowing 3.95 TeraFLOPs computational
capacity, and powering the top one supercomputer of the world (TiTan).
The architecture of these massive parallel computing devices are quite
different from the traditonal mult-core design and shared-memory
system. Therefore, the parallel algorithm design and implementation on
these devices needs additional considerations. A carefully designed
algorithm can archieve over hundreds of performance speedup on these
devices when compared with the standard sequential implementation on
CPUs. But a rough design can decrease the performance.
In this course, we will discuss the architecture of the GPU
architecture, understand the advantages and limitations of the device.
We will learn how to program on NVIDIA GPUs using CUDA programming
framework. This will be archieved by a series of hands-on programming
assignments and a final research project for performance enhancement
and analysis for some non-embarrassing parallel algorithms.
- Understand the massive parallel architecture of Graphics
Processing Units (GPUs)
- Program on GPUs
- Programing APIs, tools, and techniques
- Achieve high performance and scalability
- Analyze parallel computing problems
- Principles and paradigms for parallel algorithm design
- Ability to apply to real life applications and algorithms
Course Work
is an estimate of the contributions of different parts of your final
grade. We reserve the right to adjust these weights, as necessary.
- Programming Assignments (5-7) 60%
- Project Presentation & Report 40%
Materials and References
Text book for this course.
- Programming Massively Parallel Processors: A Hands-on
Approach, Second Edition. By David Kirk and Wen-mei Hwu.
You can use the following list as reference materials:
- NVIDIA CUDA Programming Guide.
- NVIDA CUDA website, http://www.nvidia.com/object/cuda_home.html.
- UIUC Parallel Programming Course Website: http://courses.engr.illinois.edu/ece408/
- High performance computing on graphics processing units, http://hgpu.org/ .
- General-Purpose Computation on Graphics Hardware, http://gpgpu.org/
Without a Curve (A Fractional
percentages will be rounded to the nearest decimal place.)
90- 91 A-
88- 89 B+
82- 87 B
80- 81 B-
78- 79 C+
72- 77 C
70- 71 C-
68- 69 D+
62- 67 D
60- 61 D-
< 60 F |
In the event that a curve is applied to grades, it will
be curved approximately as follows:
A 95% of the average score of the Top 10% of the class
B 85% of the average score of the Top 10% of the class
C 75% of the average score of the Top 10% of the class
… and so on.
Management Policies
Final Grade Policy
A grade of "I" will only be given for documented medical emergencies or
extreme unforeseen emergencies (no exceptions).
Attendance Policy
Attendance at all scheduled meetings is expected. Illnesses (with
written verification from the health center or a doctor) and religious
holidays shall be considered excused absences. Personal matters may be
excused at the instructor's discretion.
Late Assignment Policy
Assignments will be downgraded 25% for each day late. No exception
Honor Code Policy
“The Honor Code will be
strictly enforced in this course. All assignments submitted shall be
considered graded work, unless otherwise noted. All aspects of your
coursework are covered by the Honor System. Any suspected violations of
the Honor Code will be promptly reported to the Honor System. Honesty
in your academic work will develop into professional integrity. The
faculty and students will not tolerate any form of academic dishonesty.”
Any work that is not the student’s original work, or another’s work
that the student has altered, must be submitted with a copy of the
original work. In addition, the source of the work must be clearly
cited. Failure to include a copy and proper citation of the original
work, with an assignment that is not completely the work of you or your
team, will result in a referral to the Honor System. All other policies
and regulations (e.g., regarding "academic honesty and plagiarism"
including that of on-line sources) as stated in the Graduate Bulletin
apply in this course.