CS 4390
Computer Graphics

Summer 1998
College of Computing 101
MWF 12:00-1:00

Homework Solutions

Here's a pointer back to the homework.

Graphics Hardware

  1. What is a bit plane? A bit plane contains a single bit of information for each pixel that will be displayed on the screen. A pixmap containing 4 color bits for each pixel, for example, will have 4 bit planes.
  2. Given a display with the following characteristics...
    (A) How much memory is required to store the pixmap?
    1024*768 pixels * 24 bits/pixel * byte / 8 bits = 2.4MBytes

    (B) At what rate (bits per second) does the video controller need to read from the frame buffer?

    2.4MBytes * 60Hz = 142MBytes/sec (or 1.13Gbits/sec)
  3. A TV signal is in NTSC (National Television System Committee) format...
    (A) Estimate the minimum allowable pitch of the shadow mask for your TV CRT before you start to lose resolution. Assume that the electron beam diameter must be 7/4 the pitch.
    Assume a small TV with approximately a 270mm x 270mm display. The minimum pitch necessary for this TV results in a resolution of the display equal to that of the signal (350x350 resolvable dots):
    Dot size = 7/4 * pitch = 270mm / 350 dots
    pitch = 270mm/350 * (4/7) = 0.44mm

    (B) If you could build a shadow mask with a pitch of 0.16mm, how small could you make a color TV CRT display (width and height) while maintaining a 350x350 dot resolution?

    Dot size = 7/4 * pitch = WIDTH mm / 350 dots
    WIDTH = 7/4 * 0.16mm * 350 = 98mm (or 3.9 inches)
    We can make a 98mm x 98mm (or 3.9 inch x 3.9 inch) display
  4. Why would you want to use a color lookup table (LUT)? Use of a color lookup table can reduce both memory storage requirements and memory bandwidth requirements (the number of bits per second that the video controller must read from the frame buffer). The frame buffer stores an index into the lookup table for each pixel. This index may have many fewer bits than the actual color referenced by that index (e.g. an 4 bit index may refer to a 24 bit color value with 8 bits each for red, green, and blue).
  5. You have 800x600 addressable pixels, and a frame buffer with 8 bit planes. Color values from the frame buffer are used to index into a LUT with 24 bits, 8 each for red, green and blue. Draw a portion of this LUT. Label the fields and indicate the number of bits in each.
    Here is an example. The numbers chosen for the red, green, and blue color values are arbitrary:
  6. How much memory is required to store the frame buffer plus LUT in this system?
    Frame buffer: 800*600 pixels * 8 bits/pixel * byte/8bits = 480KBytes
    LUT: 24bits * 256 indices * byte/8bits = 768Bytes
    Total: 481KBytes

    How much memory would be required to store a frame buffer that provided 24 bit color directly?

    800*600 pixels * 24 bits/pixel * byte/8bits = 1.4MBytes

Scan Converting Lines

  1. The midpoint scan conversion algorithm covered in class (below) is applicable only for lines having slopes between zero and 1. Modify this algorithm to accomodate lines having slopes between 1 and infinity (lines with angles between 45 degrees and vertical).

    Short derivation. The decision to be made is between N and NE. The midpoint to be tested is at (xp+0.5, yp+1):
    Quantity Variable Expression Value
    Decision variable dp F(xp+0.5, yp+1) a(xp+0.5) + b(yp+1) + c
    Initial value d0 F(x0+0.5,y0+1) a/2 + b
    N chosen dp+1 F(xp+0.5,yp+2) a(xp+0.5) + b(yp+2) + c
    - incrN - b (= -dx)
    NE chosen dp+1 F(xp+1.5,yp+2) a(xp+1.5) + b(yp+2) + c
    - incrNE - a+b (= dy-dx)

    Here is code for lines with slopes between 1 and infinity:

    void MidpointLine (int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int value)
        int dx = x1 - x0;
        int dy = y1 - y0;
        int d = dy - 2 * dx;	    /* initial value of d */
        int incrN = -2 * dx; 	    /* incr used for move to N */
        int incrNE = 2 * (dy - dx);     /* incr used for move to NE */
        int x = x0;
        int y = y0;
        WritePixel (x, y, value);       /* the start pixel */
        while (y < y1) {
            if (d <= 0) {               /* choose NE */
                d += incrNE;
            } else {                    /* choose N */    
                d += incrN;
            WritePixel (x, y, value);   /* the selected pixel */
  2. Suppose you want to scan convert a curve expressed by the equation a + bx + cx2 + y = 0. For this question, consider only the case where you are currently in a region on the curve where the local slope is between 0 and 1...
    (A)Suppose you are at point (xp, yp) on the scan converted curve. Use the procedure described in class and in the text to derive the expression for decision variable d, which will be used to determine the next pixel to be highlighted.
    d = F(xp+1, yp+0.5) = a + b(xp + 1) + c(xp + 1)2 + (yp+0.5)

    (B)If d > 0, which pixel (E or NE) is highlighted next?
    An increase in y will increase d. Based on this test, d > 0 implies that the midpoint is above the line (the line passes below the midpoint), and so we should choose E.

    (C)An iterative algorithm can be used to increment the value of the decision variable at each step. Let d' be the decision variable for the point following (xp, yp). Define deltaE as (d'-d) when pixel E is chosen next and deltaNE as (d'-d) when pixel NE is chosen next. Write expressions for deltaE and deltaNE as functions of a, b, c, xp, and yp.

    deltaE = (d'-d)E = [F(xp+2, yp+0.5) - F(xp+1, yp+0.5)] = b + c(2xp + 3)
    deltaNE = (d'-d)NE = [F(xp+2, yp+1.5) - F(xp+1, yp+0.5)] = b + c(2xp + 3) + 1

    (D)Although the first order differences deltaE and deltaNE depend on xp, the second order differences depend only on coefficients a, b, and c. Let d'' be the decision parameter for the second point following (xp, yp). The second order difference is defined as [(d''-d') - (d'-d)]. Find the changes in deltaE and deltaNE when E or NE is chosen as the second point (4 cases in total). Hint: this is very similar to the midpoint circle algorithm in Section 3.3.2.
    E chosen: next pixel is (xp+1, yp)

    (deltaEnew - deltaE) = [b + c(2(xp+1) + 3)] - [b + c(2xp + 3)] = 2c
    (deltaNEnew - deltaNE) = [b + c(2(xp+1) + 3) + 1] - [b + c(2xp + 3) + 1] = 2c
    NE chosen: next pixel is (xp+1, yp+1)
    (deltaEnew - deltaE) = [b + c(2(xp+1) + 3)] - [b + c(2xp + 3)] = 2c
    (deltaNEnew - deltaNE) = [b + c(2(xp+1) + 3) + 1] - [b + c(2xp + 3) + 1] = 2c
  3. Rapid scan conversion of scenes is a bottleneck to creating complex animations in real-time. To speed this process, some research (e.g., the Pixel Planes project at the University of North Carolina) has focused on constructing parallel hardware for computer graphics. One idea is that an image can have a single processor for every pixel. Then, to display a line on the screen, a graphics package could broadcast the equation for the line, and the processor representing each pixel could decide what its intensity value should be.

    Assume that we have only two intensity values: on and off, and our application wants to draw a line of width w. The equation for the line is ax + by + c = 0. Each processor knows its x and y location. Coefficients a, b, and c are broadcast to all processors.

    (A) Describe (in words) a simple algorithm that a processor can use to determine whether the pixel it represents should be on or off. Do not worry about clipping the line at its endpoints. One solution would be for each processor to compute its distance from the ideal (zero width) line, and to highlight itself if and only if this distance is less than w/2.

    (B) Derive an expression as a function of w, a, b, c, x, and y that must be true for the pixel at (x,y) to be turned on. You may want to use the expression for distance to the line: [(ax + by + c) / sqrt(a2 + b2)]

    [(ax + by + c) / sqrt(a2 + b2)] < w/2

    (C) Computations performed on the main computer are usually much faster than computations performed on individual processors. It it is also expensive to broadcast information to the processors. What computations could you do on the main computer that would reduce the amount of information transferred and reduce amount of work each processor has to do?
    If the speed difference is very large, reformulate the inequality as:

    ax + by < [w/2 * sqrt(a2 + b2) - c]
    Let g = [w/2 * sqrt(a2 + b2) - c] be computed on the main processor and broadcast a,b, and g.

    If the speed difference is not as great, and we wish to avoid fractional arithmetic and the sqrt operation, it might be better to reformulate the inequality as:

    4(ax + by + c)2 < w2 (a2 + b2)
    Let g = w2 (a2 + b2) be computed on the main processor and broadcast a, b, c, and g.

Patterns, Style, and Anti-aliasing

  1. Suppose we are filling a circle with a pattern and want the circle to look the same regardless of its position in the window (xc, yc). Given an MxN pattern array P[M][N] and function WritePixel(x, y, color), write a code fragment to select the pattern element to be displayed at point (x, y) inside the circle.

        /* get circle-registered, positive x value */
        px = x - xc;
        while (px < 0)
           px += M;
        /* get circle-registered, positive y value */
        py = y - yc;
        while (py < 0)
           py += N;
        /* write appropriate pattern element
    	(assume P is an array of color values */
        WritePixel(x, y, P[px%M][py%N]);

  2. Modify the midpoint algorithm to display a dashed line with thickness of 4 pixels. Discuss the pros and cons of the approach you chose.

    To get a thick line, one option is to use the "replicated pixels" technique. For lines with |slope| <= 1, the midpointLine algorithm iterates over columns. This means that for each column, the extra pixels should be stacked above and below the pixel selected by the midpointLine algorithm. To incorporate the replicating pixels technique into the midpointLine algorithm for lines where |slope| <= 1, replace the following call:

            WritePixel (x, y, value);   /* the selected pixel */
    with this code, where the lineMask pattern is used to make the line appear dashed:
            int lineMask[8] = {0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1};
            if (lineMask[x % 8]) {
              WritePixel(x, y, value);
              WritePixel(x, y+1, value);
              WritePixel(x, y+2, value);
              WritePixel(x, y-1, value);
    For lines with |slope| > 1, the midpointLine algorithm iterates over rows, so pixels are duplicated in rows. The corresponding code is:
            if (lineMask[x % 8]) {
              WritePixel(x, y, value);
              WritePixel(x+1, y, value);
              WritePixel(x+2, y, value);
              WritePixel(x-1, y, value);
    Pros: Both the use of the line mask and the technique of replicating pixels are very fast.


    • Gaps. Suppose we have two lines, one where columns are replicated and one where rows are replicated. If these two lines meet at a vertex, there will be a gap in the thick line at that vertex.
    • The line is off-center for even-valued thicknesses. In the example above, two pixels are filled in on top of or to the right of the pixel selected by the midpointLine algorithm, but only one pixel is filled in on the bottom or left.
    • Intensity varies with angle. This is due to the fact that the number of pixels highlighted for a line depends only on the number of rows or columns spanned by that line, regardless of line angle or line length. For example, a line of fixed length will span a varying number of rows or columns depending on its angle. This will cause its intensity to vary by angle.
    • Dashed lines will have dashes of different lengths at different line angles. This is due to the fact that the dashes are turned on and off based on the number of columns or rows traversed by the midpointLine algorithm, instead of based on the length of the line. Dashes will be shortest for horizontal or vertical lines, longest at 45 degrees from horizontal or vertical.
    • Dash edges will not be aligned with the line. Each dash will appear to have two edges that are either horizontal or vertical instead of being aligned with the line that is being drawn. This effect will be especially disturbing for thick dashes in a line at a 45 degree angle.

  3. The Gupta-Sproull anti-aliasing algorithm does weighted area sampling using a cone filter. This algorithm is fast because it implements the cone filter by using a lookup table. The lookup table returns the proper intensity value for a pixel based on line thickness and the distance of the pixel from the line.

    Another way to do fast weighted area sampling is to subsample the area covered by each pixel and use a pixel-weighting mask located at each pixel to determine the desired pixel intensity value...

    (A) Define a pixel weighting mask to approximate a cone filter with a radius equal to 1 grid spacing. Assume that pixel intensity values can range from 0 to 256.
    Here is one approximation:

    (B) Estimate the intensity value for the pixel shown above using your filter.
    The pixel intensity is set to the sum of subpixel intensities, in this case, 78:

    (C) What are some of the pros and cons of this approach compared to the Gupta-Sproull algorithm?
    Pros: You can create many different types of masks very easily, by simply adjusting the weighting applied to each subpixel. This would allow control, for example, over the amount of blur added to an image.

    Cons: The major disadvantage is that pixel subsampling is computationally expensive.

  4. The midpoint scan line algorithm has the problem that intensity of the resulting lines appears to vary by slope.

    (A) Why does this occur?

    When the midpointLine algorithm is used, the number of pixels highlighted for a line depends only on the number of rows or the number of columns spanned by that line. For lines with |slope| <= 1, for example, the number of pixels highlighted depends on (xmax - xmin). Lines that are at a 45 degree angle will have the same number of pixels highlighted as horizontal lines having endpoints at the same x values. The 45 degree line, however, will be sqrt(2) times as long as the horizontal line. The pixels of the angled line will be more stretched out, making the line appear dimmer.

    (B) Does weighted area sampling fix the problem? Why or why not?

    Unweighted area sampling is sufficient to fix this problem by making intensity of the line proportional to the area covered by that line and thus proportional to its length.

    Weighted area sampling has a similar effect, because the area of overlap of a pixel with the line is used in computing pixel intensity. There will be some variation in intensity of a line, depending on the exact location and angle of the line, but this variation will be very small compared to that introduced by the midpoint scan line algorithm.

2D Transforms

  1. In class we showed that two translation matrices representing translations of (dx1, dy1) and (dx2, dy2) can be multiplied to yield a translation matrix representing translation by (dx1+dx2, dy1+dy2).

    We also showed that two scale matrices with scale parameters (sx1, sy1) and (sx2, sy2) can be multiplied to obtain a matrix that scales each point by (sx1*sx2, sy1*sy2).

    (A) Rederive the form for the rotation matrix as a function of angle theta.

    (B) Show that two successive rotation matrices representing rotations of theta1 and theta2 can be multiplied to yield a rotation matrix representing rotation by (theta1 + theta2).

  2. For each of the two examples below, derive the transform required to go from Figure A to Figure B. In each case, check your work by using your transform to compute the location of the tip of the plane in Figure B.

    PART 1:

    PART 2:

  3. Figure A below shows a three link robot arm... Write the transform to move the vertices of link3 from the position shown in Figure B to the position at the end of the robot arm in Figure A. This transform will be a function of link lengths (l1, l2, and l3), which are fixed over time, and joint angles (theta1, theta2, and theta3), which will vary as the robot arm moves.

  4. Write the transform that should be applied to all of the points on the boundary of Figure A below to create the italic character in Figure B.

Windows and Viewports

  1. Write the transform between the window and viewport shown. Transform one of the vertices to check the results.


  1. Use the Cohen-Sutherland clipping algorithm (described in class and in the text) to clip line AB to the 10x5 window shown in the figure. Write down all your steps.

    1. Determine codes for points A and B:
      A = 0100
      B = 1010

    2. Test (A AND B) = (0100 AND 1010) = 0000. Because the result is 0000, the line segment cannot be trivially rejected.

    3. Solve for a, b, and c in the line equation ax + by + c = 0.
      Plug in endpoints:
      a(2) + b(-2) + c = 0
      a(17) + b(8) + c = 0
      Subtract the first equation from the second:
      15a + 10b = 0
      b = -1.5a
      Plug this result into the first equation:
      a(2) + (-1.5a)(-2) + c = 0
      c = -5a
      Set a=10 to obtain integer values:
      a = 10
      b = -1.5a = -15
      c = -5a = -50
      The line equation is:
      10x - 15y - 50 = 0

    4. Examine A = 0100. The 1 indicates that A should be clipped at its intersection with the bottom of the clip window. Compute this intersection to obtain A' as shown below. Line AB is intersected with the line (y = 0) as follows:
      10x - 15(0) - 50 = 0
      x = 5
      A' = (5, 0)

    5. Determine the code for A':
      A' = 0000

    6. Test (A' AND B) = (0000 AND 1010) = 0000. Because the result is 0000, the line segment cannot be trivially rejected.

    7. Examine A' = 0000. There are no 1 values in this code, so A' is ok.

    8. Examine B = 1010. The high order 1 indicates that B should be clipped at its intersection with the top of the clip window. Compute this intersection to obtain B' as shown below. Line AB is intersected with the line y=5 as follows:
      10x - 15(5) - 50 = 0
      x = 12.5
      B' = (12.5, 5)

    9. Determine the code for B':
      B' = 0010

    10. Test (A' AND B') = (0000 AND 0010) = 0000. Because the result is 0000, the line segment cannot be trivially rejected.

    11. Examine B' = 0010. The 1 indicates that B should be clipped at its intersection with the right of the clip window. Compute this intersection to obtain B'' as shown below.Line AB is intersected with the line x=10 as follows:
      10(10) - 15y - 50 = 0
      y = 10/3
      B'' = (10, 10/3)

    12. Determine the code for B'':
      B'' = 0000

    13. Test (A' AND B'') = (0000 AND 0000) = 0000. Because the result is 0000, the line segment cannot be trivially rejected.

    14. Examine B'' = 0000. There are no 1 values in this code, so B'' is ok.

    15. Accept line segment A'B'' from (5, 0) to (10, 10/3).
  2. The Sutherland-Hodgeman polygon clipping algorithm (also described in class and in the text) works by clipping a polygon against infinite lines passing through each of the window edges in succession.

    (A)Draw the four stages of the Sutherland-Hodgeman clipping algorithm as the polygon shown below is clipped by the right, top, left, and bottom clipping planes. Number the vertices of the polygon in counterclockwise order at each stage.

    (B)The result has extra edges. Describe an algorithm for cleaning up these extra edges to create two separate polygons. Here is one possible algorithm, based on identifying independent loops.

    1. Merge vertices that are duplicated. This just cleans up the list of vertices by giving a unique identifier to each vertex. In this case, merge vertices 4 and 8 and call it vertex m. The polygon vertex loop is now:
      1 2 3 m 5 6 7 m 9 /* start */
    2. Add vertices everywhere they appear.This gives us handles at which to clip off independent polygons. The basic idea is to add a vertex to the vertex loop at any point where it is crossed by some edge. This gives us a new vertex loop:
      1 2 3 m 5 6 7 5 m 3 9 /* all vertex crossings */
    3. Form all possible polygons. Any time a vertex repeats, (here vertices 3 and 5), two separate polygons can be created by removing portions of the loop between the two repeated vertices. For example, the loop "5 6 7 5" is redundant and can be replaced simply by "5" to yield "1 2 3 m 5 m 3 9." Similarly, starting from the last part of the original loop and continuing around, we see that the loop "5 m 3 9 1 2 3 m 5" is also redundant and can be replaced by "5" to yield "5 6 7." Each of these new, smaller loops represents a potential good polygon. Here is the complete list:
      1 2 3 m 5 6 7 5 m 3 9 /* all vertex crossings */
      3 m 5 6 7 5 m /* clip at 3 (top portion) */
      1 2 3 9 /* clip at 3 (bottom portion) */
      5 6 7 /* clip at 5 (top portion) */
      1 2 3 m 5 m 3 9 /* clip at 5 (bottom portion) */
      1 2 3 m 3 9 /* clip at m (bottom portion) */
      m 5 6 7 5 /* clip at m (top portion) */

    4. Throw out polygons with repeated vertices. A polygon with a repeated vertex will be degenerate in some way. If all of the polygons with repeated vertices are discarded, only the following remain:
      1 2 3 9 /* clip at 3 (bottom portion) */
      5 6 7 /* clip at 5 (top portion) */

      These are the polygons we want.