Conference Papers

5. Simplify, consolidate, intervene: facilitating institutional support with mental models of learning management system use.
Taha Hassan, Bob Edmison, Daron Williams, Larry Cox II, Matthew Louvet, Bart Knijnenburg, and D. Scott McCrickard.
 CSCW'24  Proceedings of the 2024 ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing, Nov 2024, San Jose, Costa Rica.
ACM | pdf

4. Griot-style methodology: longitudinal study of navigating design with unwritten stories.
Lindah Kotut, Neelma Bhatti, Taha Hassan, Derek Haqq, and Morva Saaty.
 CHI'24  Proceedings of the 2024 ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, May 2024, Honolulu, Hawai'i.
doi | pdf

3. Poke'mon Go with social distancing: social media analysis of players' experiences with location-based games.
Morva Saaty, Derek Haqq, Mohammadreza Beyki, Taha Hassan, and D. Scott McCrickard,
 CHIPlay'22  Proceedings of the ACM Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play, Nov 2022, Bremen, Germany
doi | pdf

2. Learning to trust: understanding editorial authority and trust in recommender systems for education.
Taha Hassan, Bob Edmison, Larry Cox II, Matthew Louvet, Daron Williams and D. Scott McCrickard
 UMAP'21  Proceedings of 29th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization, June 2021, Utrecht, the Netherlands
ACM | pdf

1. Depth of use: an empirical framework to help instructors gauge the relative impact of learning management system tools.
Taha Hassan, Bob Edmison, Larry Cox II, Matthew Louvet, Daron Williams and D. Scott McCrickard
 ITiCSE'20  Proceedings of 25th ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, June 2020, Trondheim, Norway
ACM | pdf

Book Chapters and Dissertations

1. On trust, editorial intent, and recommender systems for supporting higher education.
Taha Hassan
Dissertation Committee: Donald Scott McCrickard, Kenneth R. Edmision, Jr., Bart Knijnenburg, Sang Won Lee
 Virginia Tech  VirginiaTech Electronic Theses and Dissertations, Aug 2024.

2. Data-informed learning design in an introductory Computer Science course.
Daron Williams, Larry Cox II, Margaret Ellis, Bob Edmison, Taha Hassan, Aaron Bond, Virginia Clark, Daniel Yaffe, Molly Domino and Derek Haqq
 Springer  Learning Design and Technology, Aug 2022.
Springer | pdf

Journal Papers

1. An empirical investigation of VI-trajectory based load signatures for non-intrusive load monitoring.
Taha Hassan, Fahad Javed and Naveed Arshad
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2014. 
ieeeXplorepdf | scripts

Posters, LBRs, Workshop Papers

7. Listening to the wild: Risk and preparedness in hiker-wildlife conflicts during outdoor recreation.
Yusheng Cao, Taha Hassan, Jixiang Fan, Morva Saaty, Wei-Lu Wang, Timothy L. Stelter, and D. Scott McCrickard
 CHI'25  Proceedings of the 2025 ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, April 2025, Yokohama, Japan (Late-Breaking Work)
ACM | pdf

6. Is long-distance hiking an emotional journey? Evaluating emotions and weather effects on the Appalachian Trail.
Morva Saaty, Natalie Andrus, Norhan Abdelgawad, Jennifer Chandran, Brett Noneman, Justice Jackson, Kun Alading, Taha Hassan, D. Scott McCrickard, Shalini Mishra, and Kris Wernstedt.
 CHI'24  Proceedings of the 2024 ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, May 2024, Honolulu, Hawai'i. (Late-Breaking Work)
doi | pdf

5. Exploring the context of course rankings on online forums.
Taha Hassan, Bob Edmison, Larry Cox II, Matthew Louvet and Daron Williams
 ASONAM'19  Proceedings of the 11th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, Aug 2019, Vancouver, BC (poster)
ACM | pdf

4. On bias in social reviews of university courses.
Taha Hassan
 WebSci'19 Companion  Companion Proceedings of the 11th ACM Conference on Web Science, Jun 2019, Boston, MA (Workshop Paper)
ACM | pdf

3. Trust and trustworthiness in social recommender systems.
Taha Hassan and D. Scott McCrickard
 WWW'19 Companion  Companion Proceedings of the 2019 World Wide Web Conference, May 2019, San Francisco, CA (Workshop Paper)

2. Collaborative filtering for household load predictive given contextual information.
Taha Hassan, Naveed Arshad, Erik Dahlquist and D. Scott McCrickard
 SDM'17 Companion   Proceedings of the SIAM Workshop on Machine Learning Methods for Recommender Systems (MLREC '17), held in conjunction with SDM '17, April 2017, Houston, TX (Workshop Paper)

1. Manual-setup non-intrusive disaggregation using enhanced differential evolution.
Taha Hassan
Proceedings of the First Int. Workshop on Non-Intr. Load Monitoring (NILM '12), 2012. (Poster) ieeeXplorepdf