CS 4984 Creative Computing Studio: Video Game Design Spring 2012
Monday and Wednesday 4:00-5:15pm at McBryde 329
Art Instructor:
Instructor: Dane Webster
Phone: (540) 231-2952
Email: webster@vt.edu
Office Hour: By appointment at Henderson 347
Engineering Instructor:
Instructor: Yong Cao
Phone: (540) 231-0415
Email: yongcao@vt.edu
Office Hour: MW 2:30-4:00pm McBryde 122, and by appointment in KWII 1124 |
Course Description:
This is a project-oriented course for the design and development of video games. The focus is the overall process of
game development, game design and game programming. The students will learn how to produce a game from
beginning to end, how to design and programming, work with team members, and enjoy the experience by making their
own games. A game festival will be hosted at the end the semester, the best game team will be awarded.
course will consist of lectures, game design practice workshops, video
game related assignments/presentations, and a final video game project.
- Students should learn the following aspect of video game after the semester.
Game design principles and process, the ability to design a video game in practice
- Video game software systems, both on game engine component and game content pipeline, basic game
programming techniques and module design patterns, game programming with Microsoft XNA, Torque
and Unity.
- Game development management, game industry working environment, communication and collaboration
between artists and engineers.
- Simple 3D modeling and animation.
Course Work
is an estimate of the contributions of different parts of your final
grade. We reserve the right to adjust these weights, as necessary.
Precentage |
Schedule |
Game Critic Assignment |
5% |
Week 2, Tuesday |
First Game Design Presentation |
10% |
Week 4, Tuesday and Thursday |
Game Development and Management Plan |
15% |
Week 5, Tuesday |
Mid-project Milestone Presentation |
15% |
Week 9, Tuesday |
Final Game Presentation |
25% |
Week 14, Tuesday & Thursday |
Final Game Project Report with Promotion Plan |
20% |
At the end of Week 15 |
Game Festival and Contest Week |
5% |
Week 15 |
Materials and References
There is no required Text Book for this course. You can use the following list as reference materials:
- “3D Game Engine Architecture” by David H. Eberly.
- “Game Design Workshop: Designing, Prototyping, and Playtesting Games” by Tracy Fullerton,
Christopher Swain and Steven Hoffman.
- “The Game Design Reader: A rules of Play Anthology” edited by Katie Salen and Eric Zimmerman.
- “The Game Programmer’s Guide to Torque” by Edward F. Maurina III.
- “XNA Game Studio Express, Developing Games for Windows and the Xbox 360” by Joseph Hall.
- Microsoft XNA Game Studio, http://creators.xna.com/.
- Unity Game Engine, http://unity3d.com/.
Game Laboratory
The course includes a weekly lab session led by an experienced teaching assistant, and will be
hosted in the Video Game and Interactive Media Lab located at McBryde Hall. The lab is
equipment with 10+ Microsoft XBOX360 game consoles and high-resolution TVs. During the
session, the student will have hands-on experience on game programming with Microsoft XNA. |
The Honor Code
will be strictly enforced. It is a violation to represent joint work as
your own or to let others use your work; always acknowledge any
assistance you received in preparing work that bears your name. You are
expected to work independently unless explicitly permitted to
collaborate on a particular project. It is not a violation to discuss
approaches to programs with others; however, it IS a violation to use
code fragments in your program that have been written by others without
acknowledging the source. |