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editorial board

Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, 2020 - present

IEEE MultiMedia (2013 - 2018)

guest editor

Special Topic for Frontiers in Computer Science and Frontiers in Psychology:
Implementing AI applications in healthcare: Challenges for design, integration, evaluation and sustainability

program chair

ACM IMX 2020

ACM Creativity and Cognition 2017

ACM Multimedia 2016

technical program chair

ACM ICMR 2023, Doctoral Symposium Chair

ACM IMX 2021, Diversity and Inclusion Chair

technical program sub-committee chair

CHI 2022 and 2023, Accessibility and Aging Committee

technical program committee

ACM SIGCHI (2021, 2020, 2019, 2016, 2014)

ACM DIS 2018

ACM Multimedia (2017, 2016, 2013, 2011)

ACM TVX 2014

ACM UbiComp 2012

journal and conference paper reviewer

IEEE Pervasive Computing

IEEE MultiMedia

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications (TOMCCAP)

ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI)

Multimedia Systems

International Journal of Design

New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia

Multimedia Tools and Applications

ACM SIGCHI (2009 - present)

ACM DIS (2010 - present)

ACM GROUP (2016 - present)

ACM Multimedia (2008 - 2018)

ACM Intelligent User Interfaces


Irish Human Computer Interaction Conference

International Conference on the Learning Sciences

ACM Workshop on Socially-Aware Multimedia

ACM Workshop in Events in Multimedia

ACM Workshop in Social Media

ACM Workshop on Story Mechanism, Representation and Context

workshop or studio chair

Technologies For Children At Home: Exploring Ways To Support Caregivers With Child-friendly Media Technologies For The Home, to be co-located with ACM GROUP 2023. Co-organizer with Neelma Bhatti, Alexis Hiniker, Koeun Choi, Christine Murad, and Rebecca Michelson

3rd International workshop on Socially Aware Multimedia. (2014). Co-located with ACM MM, November 7th 2014, Florida, USA. Co-organizer with P. Cesar, D. Shamma, and M. Cooper.

1st Workshop on Social Multimedia and Storytelling. (2014). Co-located with ICMR, Glasgow, 2014. Co-organizer with S. Papadopoulos, P. Cesar, D. Shamma, and R. Jain.

Experimenting with Design: playing with data derived from unusual locations Workshop. (2013). Co-located with Nordes, Malmo, Sweden, June 12, 2013. Co-organizer with L. Vaughen and A. Morrison.

NSF XSEAD Workshop. (2012). Arizona State University, Jan 19 - 20th, 2012. Co-organizer with T. Rikakis, H. Sundaram and D. Byrne.

NSF CreativeIT Workshop. (2008). Arizona State University, Jan 18th- 20th, 2008. Co-organizer with T. Rikakis.

2nd Workshop on Story Representation, Mechanism and Context. (2008). Co-located with ACM MM 2008, Vancouver, Canada, Oct 31, 2008. Co-organizer with F. Nack and K. Brooks.


Arts and Digital Culture co-editor for SIGMM with D.A. Shamma.

panel chair

Digital Dialogues: Technology, the Hand and Narrative Construction. (2003). Art & Technology Biennial Symposium, Connecticut, Feb. 2003. Panel co-chair with D. Willow and A. Mazalek.