CS 5984
Trust and Security
Spring 2014
Office Hours
Course Description
Topics to be Covered
Class Schedule
Paper List
Lecture Slides
Class Policy
Tests and Solution
Instructor and Office Hours
Dr. Ing-Ray Chen
Office: NVC 312
Email: irchen@cs.vt.edu
TEL: (703) 538-8376
FAX: (703) 538-8348
Office Hours:
Tuesday and Thursday 3pm-4pm.
Course Description
5984: Trust and Security. This course discusses and explores the relation between trust and security, how trust can be used to enhance security, and how trust can be used to implement security in certain applications. The example trust systems include mobile ad hoc networks, delay tolerant networks, wireless sensor networks, service oriented computing, cloud computing, social networks, IoT networks, and heterogeneous mobile networks.
Topics to be Covered (Tentative)
Students will learn concepts, definitions, and protocol designs for trust management. Students will analyze recently published work and apply what they learned to design, build, and evaluate trust-based solutions to enhance or implement security. Students will demonstrate synthesis and technical writing skills by producing "near publishable" term papers extending existing solutions or developing new ones.
No textbook
Class Schedule
Paper List (Tentative and Subject to Changes)
Overview of Trust Management
(presentation slides)
A. Josang, R. Ismail, and C. Boyd,
"A Survey of Trust and Reputation Systems for Online Service Provision,"
Decision Support Systems,
Vol. 43, No. 2, March 2007, pp. 618-644.
(presentation slides)
J.H. Cho, A. Swami, and I. R. Chen
"A Survey on Trust Management for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,"
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials,
vol. 13, no. 4, 2011, pp. 562-583.
Trust, Reputation, Risk and Security
[Josang-BECC02] (Al-Hamadi)
(presentation slides)
A. Josang, and R. Ismail,
"The Beta Reputation System,"
15th Bled Electronic Commerce Conference,
Bled, Slovenia, June 2002, pp. 1-14.
[Josang-IFIPTM04] (Y Wang)
(presentation slides)
A. Josang, and S. Lo Presti,
"Analysing the Relationship Between Risk and Trust,"
2nd International Conference on Trust Management,
Oxford, UK, March 2004, pp. 135-145.
Trust Management for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
[Velloso-TNSM10] (Dixit)
(presentation slides)
P.B. Velloso, et al.,
"Trust Management in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Using a Scalable Maturity-Based Model,"
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management,
vol. 7, no. 3, 2010, pp. 172-185.
[Raya-INFOCOM08] (Guo)
(presentation slides)
M. Raya, P. Papadimitratos, V.D. Gligory, and J.P. Hubaux,
"On Data-Centric Trust Establishment in
Ephemeral Ad Hoc Networks,"
IEEE 27th Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM),
April 2008.
Trust Management for Delay/Disruption Tolerant Networks
[Ayday-TMC12] (Alomari)
(presentation slides)
E. Ayday and F. Fekri,
"An Iterative Algorithm for Trust Management and Adversary Detection for Delay-Tolerant Networks,"
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing,
vol. 11, no. 9, 2012, pp. 1514-1531.
[Zhu-TPDS14] (Cao)
(presentation slides)
H. Zhu, S. Du, Z. Gao, M. Dong, and Z. Cao,
"A Probabilistic Misbehavior Detection Scheme Towards
Efficient Trust Establishment in Delay-Tolerant Networks,"
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems,
vol. 25, no. 1, 2014, pp. 22-32.
[Chen-TPDS14] (Chung)
I.R. Chen, F. Bao, M. Chang and J.H. Cho,
"Dynamic Trust Management for Delay Tolerant Networks and Its Application to Secure Routing,"
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems,
Trust Management for Wireless Sensor Networks
[Shaikh-TPDS09] (Couch)
[Shaikh-TPDS09] (Couch)
R.A. Shaikh, H. Jameel, B.J. d'Auriol, H. Lee, S. Lee and Y.J. Song,
"Group-based trust management scheme for clustered wireless sensor networks,"
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems,
Vol. 20, No. 11, 2009, pp. 1698-1712.
[Bao-TNSM12] (Du)
(presentation slides)
F. Bao, I.R. Chen, M. Chang and J.H. Cho,
"Hierarchical Trust Management for Wireless Sensor Networks and Its Application to Trust-Based Routing and Intrusion Detection,"
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management,
vol. 9, no. 2, 2012, pp. 169-183.
[Li-TIFS13] (Hua)
(presentation slides)
X. Li, F. Zhou, and J. Du,
"LDTS: A Lightweight and Dependable Trust System
for Clustered Wireless Sensor Networks,"
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security,
vol. 8, no. 6, 2013, pp. 924-935.
Trust Management for Service Oriented Computing
[Malik-VLDB09] (Lu, Chung)
(presentation slides)
Zaki Malik and Athman Bouguettaya,
"RATEWeb: Reputation Assessment for Trust Establishment
amongWeb services,"
The VLDB Journal,
vol. 18, 2009, pp. 885-911.
[Hang-TAAS11] (Moini)
(presentation slides)
C.W. Hang and M.P. Singh,
"Trustworthy Service Selection and Composition,"
ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems,
vol. 6, no. 1, article 5, February 2011.
Trust Management for Cloud Computing
[Noor-acm-CSUR13] (Tate)
(presentation slides)
T.H. Noor, Q.Z. Sheng, S. Zeadally, and J. Yu,
"Trust Management of Services in Cloud Environments:
Obstacles and Solutions,"
ACM Computing Survey,
Vol. 46, No. 1, Article 12, Oct. 2013.
[Huang-JCC13] (J Wang)
(presentation slides)
J. Huang and D.M. Nicol,
"Trust mechanisms for cloud computing,"
Journal of Cloud Computing,
vol. 2, no. 9, 2013.
[Khan-Cloud12] (Weikel)
(presentation slides)
S.M. Khan and K.W. Hamlen,
"Hatman: Intra-cloud Trust Management for Hadoop,"
IEEE Fifth International Conference on Cloud Computing,
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, June 2012, pp. 494-501.
Trust Management for Social Networks
[Adali-ISI10] (Zhao)
(presentation slides)
S. Adali et al.,
"Measuring Behavioral Trust in Social Networks,"
IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics,
Vancouver, BC, Canada, May 2010.
[Sherchan-acm-CSUR13] (Couch)
(presentation slides)
W. Sherchan, S. Nepal, and C. Paris,
"A Survey of Trust in Social Networks,"
ACM Computing Survey,
Vol. 45, No. 4, Article 47, August 2013.
[Dubois-icsc11] (Moore)
(presentation slides)
T. Dubois, J. Golbeck, and A. Srinivasan,
"Predicting Trust and Distrust in Social Networks,"
IEEE 3rd International Conference on Social Computing,
Boston, MA, USA, Oct. 2011, pp. 418-424.
Trust Management for Internet of Things Applications
[Nitti-TKDE14] (Morrell)
(presentation slides)
M. Nitti, R. Girau, and L. Atzori,
"Trustworthiness Management in the Social Internet of Things,"
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Management,
[Saied-CS14] (Sohanghpurwala)
(presentation slides)
Y.B. Saied, A. Olivereau, D. Zeghlache, and M. Laurent,
"Trust management system design for the Internet of Things: A context-aware and multi-service approach,"
Computers and Security,
30% class participation and paper presentation
40% term paper
15% quiz 1
15% quiz 2
Lecture Slides
Term Project
Each student must write a term paper.
The term paper must be written in the form of
a research paper including the following
components: (1) a survey of the topic and a listing of
drawbacks that currently exist; (2) objective of the paper, i.e.,
the problem that the paper is addressing, (3) approaches
proposed to solve the problem; (4) analytical or simulation
studies and results obtained to validate the approaches proposed; (5)
conclusions and future search areas.
The total number of pages (double-column, IEEE or ACM style) should
not exceed 10 pages including figures and tables.
Any copying of existing paper sentences or other prople's (or other groups')
work is not allowed and is considered a violation of honor code.
A term paper should focus on one of the topics listed below.
Topics not in this list can also be considered with the
consent of the instructor.
Preferred List of Topics for the Term Project:
Trust, risk and security management
Trust management and its applications for mobile ad hoc networks
Trust management and its applications for delay tolerant networks
Trust management and its applications for wireless sensor networks
Trust management for service oriented computing
Trust management for cloud computing
Trust management and its applications for social networks
Trust management and its applications for IoT networks
Class Policy
All students must observe
the Graduate Honor Code . No cheating, plagiarism,
falsification, or
academic sabotage allowed in this class.
Violated students will be reported to Virginia Tech's
Graduate Honor System.
All tests/assignments turned in should add a
Pledge for Assignment clause as follows at the beginning:
I pledge that this test/assignment has been completed in
compliance with the Graduate Honor Code and that I have
neither given nor received any unauthorized aid on this
Signed ______________________________________________________
The term paper is due at the specified deadline.
A late term paper turned in will be
penalized 20% off for each day late.
Each student will choose a paper from the paper list to present.
During the presentation period, no absence is allowed.
Participation will be counted toward your grade.
Each student must prepare a PowerPoint file for the paper to be
presented. The presentation will be graded based on the following
criteria: organization of presentation (20%);
material understanding (30%); clearness of presentation (10%);
and whether the presentation conveys the main idea (40%).
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
Tests and Solutions
Solution to Quiz #1
Solution to Quiz #2