CS 5984
Trust and Security
Spring 2014

- Office Hours
- Course Description
- Topics to be Covered
- Textbook
- Class Schedule
- Paper List
- Lecture Slides
- Class Policy
- Tests and Solution
- Software
- Grading

Instructor and Office Hours

Dr. Ing-Ray Chen
Office: NVC 312
Email: irchen@cs.vt.edu
TEL: (703) 538-8376
FAX: (703) 538-8348
Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday 3pm-4pm.

Course Description

5984: Trust and Security. This course discusses and explores the relation between trust and security, how trust can be used to enhance security, and how trust can be used to implement security in certain applications. The example trust systems include mobile ad hoc networks, delay tolerant networks, wireless sensor networks, service oriented computing, cloud computing, social networks, IoT networks, and heterogeneous mobile networks.

Topics to be Covered (Tentative)

Students will learn concepts, definitions, and protocol designs for trust management. Students will analyze recently published work and apply what they learned to design, build, and evaluate trust-based solutions to enhance or implement security. Students will demonstrate synthesis and technical writing skills by producing "near publishable" term papers extending existing solutions or developing new ones.


No textbook

Class Schedule




Lecture Slides


Term Project


Class Policy

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers


Tests and Solutions