[February 2025]: A Computerworld article covering our recent research on users’ perceptions of security attacks and mitigation strategies in collaborative mixed reality, which will be presented at IEEE VR 2025 in March 2025.
[January 2025]: Thanks to the NSF for funding our project on “Securing Gaze Data from Side-Channel Attacks in Foveated Systems.” This is a joint project with Dr. Brendan David-John (Virginia Tech). [VT News]
[January 2025]: Dr. Bo Ji was invited to serve as Guest Editor for IEEE Transactions on Networking Special Issue on AI and Networking.
[December 2024]: Dr. Bo Ji received the IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering (TNSE) Excellent Editor Award for the third time (2021, 2022, and 2024) over the past four years.
[November 2024]: Dr. Bo Ji was invited to serve as TPC Co-Chair for the 3rd Workshop on Next-generation Open and Programmable Radio Access Networks (NG-OPERA), in conjunction with IEEE INFOCOM 2025.
[October 2024]: Thanks to Amazon for funding our project on recommendation systems via LLM and online learning. This is a joint project with Dr. Dawei Zhou.
[September 2024]: Ph.D. students Osama Bajaber, Duo Cheng, and Keyuan Zhang received the Davenport Leadership Scholarship (Osama) and Pratt Fellowship (Duo and Keyuan) from Department of Computer Science at Virginia Tech. Congratulations to Osama, Duo, and Keyuan!
[April 2024]: Dr. Bo Ji was invited to serve as General Chair for MOSC Workshop, co-located with IEEE/IFIP WiOpt 2024.
[April 2024]: Dr. Bo Ji was invited to serve as Area Chair for IEEE INFOCOM 2025.
[April 2024]: Ph.D. student Matthew Corbett received the Ph.D. Research Award from Department of Computer Science at Virginia Tech. Huge congratulations to Matt! Our group's students have received this award for the second consecutive time.
[Februrary 2024]: Dr. Bo Ji has been selected as the 2024-2026 Ewha Global Fellow at Ewha Womans University, Seoul, South Korea. [Link]
[Februrary 2024]: News articles featuring our work on protecting bystander privacy in augmented reality. [VT News] [Cardinal News]
[August 2023]: Thanks to Nokia for funding our project on “Robust AI/ML Workflows for Networking”.
[August 2023]: Thanks to the NSF for funding our project on “Black-box Optimization of White-box Networks: Online Learning for Autonomous Resource Management in NextG Wireless Networks.” This is a joint project led by Dr. Bo Ji, with Dr. Y. Charlie Hu (Purdue University), Dr. Xingyu Zhou (Wayne State University), and Dr. Ness B. Shroff (The Ohio State University).
[July 2023]: Thanks to the NSF for funding our project on “SWEET: Hardware and Software for Sustainable Wearable Edge Intelligence.” This is a joint project with Dr. Dimitrios Nikolopoulos (Virginia Tech), Dr. Hans Vandierendonck (Queen's University Belfast), and Dr. Deepu John (University College Dublin).
[July 2023]: Ph.D. student Osama Bajaber received the Bitshares Fellowship. Congratulations to Osama!
[July 2023]: Dr. Bo Ji start to serve as Editor for ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review (PER).
[June 2023]: Dr. Bo Ji was invited to serve as Registration Chair for ACM SIGMETRICS/IFIP Performance 2024.
[June 2023]: Dr. Bo Ji was invited to serve as Workshop Co-Chair and Publication Co-Chair for IEEE INFOCOM 2024.
[May 2023]: Thanks to ICAT for funding our project on “Securing Trustworthy XR Interactions through
Human-Machine Networks in Healthcare”. This is a joint project with Dr. Brendan David-John, Dr. Maaz Gardezi, and Dr. Andy Muelenaer.
[May 2023]: Thanks to ICAT/CHCI for funding our project on “Understanding the Long-Term Impact and Perceptions of Privacy-enhancing Technologies for Bystander Obscuration in Wearable Augmented Reality Displays”. This is a joint project with Dr. Brendan David-John.
[May 2023]: Former Ph.D. student Fengjiao Li received the Ph.D. Research Award from Department of Computer Science at Virginia Tech. Huge congratulations to Fengjiao!
[April 2023]: Thanks to LAUNCH: the Center for New Ventures for funding our Proof-of-Concept (POC) project on “Prototype Refinement and Customer Discovery for Bystander Privacy in Augmented Reality (AR) Systems”. This is a joint project with Dr. Brendan David-John.
[April 2023]: Ph.D. student Matthew Corbett received the Richard E. Nance Graduate Fellowship in Computer Science. Congratulations to Matt!
[April 2023]: Dr. Bo Ji received the College of Engineering Faculty Fellow Award. Thank you very much, College of Engineering and Department of Computer Science at Virginia Tech, for the recognition. Many thanks to my students and collaborators, as well as colleagues who have helped and supported me!
[March 2023]: Ph.D. students, Matthew Corbett and Osama Bajaber, were selected for the CCI SWVA Cyber Innovation Scholarship. Congratulations, Matt and Osama!
[November 2022]: Dr. Bo Ji received the IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering (TNSE) Excellent Editor Award in two consecutive years (2021 and 2022) since the inauguration of this award.
[September 2022]: Our paper “Differentially Private Linear Bandits with Partial Distributed Feedback” received the IEEE/IFIP WiOpt 2022 Best Student Paper Award. Big congratulations to Fengjiao!
[August 2022]: Dr. Bo Ji was invited to serve as Publicity Co-Chair for ACM e-Energy 2023.
[August 2022]: Dr. Bo Ji was invited to serve as TPC Co-Chair for ACM MobiHoc 2023. Please consider submitting your best work.
[June 2022]: Dr. Bo Ji was invited to serve as Workshop Co-Chair for IEEE INFOCOM 2023.
[May 2022]: Dr. Bo Ji was elevated to a senior member of the ACM.
[April 2022]: Ph.D. student Fengjiao Li received the Dr. Dennis G. Kafura Graduate Fellowship in Computer Science. Congratulations to Fengjiao!
[February 2022]: Dr. Bo Ji was awarded Distinguished Member of the 2022 INFOCOM Technical Program Committee.
[December 2021]: Dr. Bo Ji received the IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering (TNSE) Excellent Editor Award.
[September 2021]: Dr. Bo Ji was invited to serve as TPC Co-Chair for The 5th Age of Information Workshop, co-located with IEEE INFOCOM 2022.
[July 2021]: Thanks to the NSF for funding our project on “Information Freshness in Scalable and Energy Constrained Machine to Machine Wireless Networks.” This is a joint project with Dr. Chih-Chun Wang (Purdue University), Dr. Ashutosh Sabharwal (Rice University), and Dr. Ness B. Shroff (The Ohio State University).
[May 2021]: Dr. Bo Ji was invited to serve as Demo/Posters Co-Chair for IEEE INFOCOM 2022.
[January 2021]: Dr. Bo Ji is invited to serve as Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering (TNSE). Please consider submitting your work.
[October 2020]: Dr. Bo Ji was invited to serve as General Co-Chair for IEEE/IFIP WiOpt 2021. Please consider submitting your work.
[September 2020]: Dr. Bo Ji was invited to serve as TPC Co-Chair for ITC 2021. Please consider submitting your work.
[August 2020]: Ph.D. student Fengjiao Li received the N2Women Young Researcher Fellowship. Congratulations to Fengjiao!
[August 2020]: Dr. Bo Ji joined Department of Computer Science at Virginia Tech as an Associate Professor.
[July 2020]: Gamal Sallam has successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation and will thereafter join Facebook. Congratulations to Gamal!
[June 2020]: Dr. Bo Ji was invited to serve as Demo/Posters Co-Chair for IEEE INFOCOM 2021.
[April 2020]: Thanks to the NSF for funding our project on “Designing Infrastructure to Probe Distributed System Configurations” This is a joint project with Dr. Krishna Kant (Temple University).
[April 2020]: Dr. Bo Ji is invited to serve as Associate Editor for the IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IoT-J). Please consider submitting your work.
[April 2020]: Ph.D. student Fengjiao Li received the Scott Hibbs Future of Computing Award. Congratulations to Fengjiao!
[April 2020]: Ph.D. student Gamal Sallam received Temple University Doctoral Dissertation Completion Grant. Congratulations to Gamal!
[March 2020]: Dr. Bo Ji is invited to serve as Editor for the IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (ToN), effective May 1, 2020. Please consider submitting your work.
[February 2020]: Student Travel Grants for ACM SIGMETRICS 2020 are available. For full details about eligibility and instructions, please see here. Please also feel free to distribute the information.
[January 2020]: Dr. Bo Ji was awarded Distinguished Member of the 2020 INFOCOM Technical Program Committee.
[November 2019]: Dr. Bo Ji serves as Workshop Co-Chairs for ACM MobiHoc 2020. The Call for Workshop Proposals is now available. Please consider submitting your workshop proposals.
[October 2019]: Ph.D. student Gamal Sallam received the College of Science and Technology Outstanding Graduate Research Assistant Award. Congratulations to Gamal! (News: CST@Temple)
[July 2019]: Dr. Bo Ji is invited to serve as Associate Editor for the IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society (IEEE OJ-COM). Please consider submitting your work.
[July 2019]: Ph.D. student Fengjiao Li received the IEEE INFOCOM 2019 Best-in-Session Presentation Award. Congratulations to Fengjiao!
[June 2019]: Yu Sang has successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation and will thereafter join Facebook. Congratulations to Yu!
[April 2019]: Our paper “Combinatorial Sleeping Bandits with Fairness Constraints” received the IEEE INFOCOM 2019 Best Paper Award. Big congratulations to Fengjiao! (News: CIS@Temple, CST@Temple Twitter, CST@Temple Facebook, CS@ISU, and ECE@OSU)
[April 2019]: Congratulations to former undergraduate researchers of our group on their admissions to graduate schools. In Fall 2019, Aamir Mandviwalla is joining RPI as a Ph.D. student; Hoang Nguyen Khanh Ho is joining UMass Amherst as a Ph.D. student; Keita Ohshiro is joining NYU as a Master's student.
[April 2019]: Ph.D. student Gamal Sallam received the Department of Computer and Information Sciences Outstanding Graduate Research Assistant Award. Congratulations to Gamal!
[April 2019]: Keita Ohshiro, an undergraduate researcher of our group, received the Scott Hibbs Future of Computing Award. Congratulations to Keita!
[January 2019]: Dr. Bo Ji was awarded Distinguished Member of the 2019 INFOCOM Technical Program Committee.
[November 2018]: Congratulations to Gamal Sallam and Fengjiao Li on their papers accepted to IEEE INFOCOM 2019, including Gamal's second INFOCOM paper in a row, as well as Fengjiao's first INFOCOM paper since she joined our group only in Spring 2018!
[May 2018]: Ph.D. student Gamal Sallam received the IEEE INFOCOM 2018 Best-in-Session Presentation Award. Congratulations to Gamal!
[Feburary 2018]: Dr. Bo Ji was elevated to a senior member of the IEEE.
[Feburary 2018]: Dr. Bo Ji was awarded Distinguished Member of the 2018 INFOCOM Technical Program Committee.
[April 2017]: Ph.D. student Yu Sang received the Scott Hibbs Future of Computing Award from Dept. of CIS at Temple University. Congratulations to Yu!
[Febuary 2017]: Dr. Bo Ji received the NSF CISE Research Initiation Initiative (CRII) Award.
[January 2017]: Dr. Bo Ji received the NSF CAREER Award.
[April 2016]: Dr. Bo Ji received Best-in-Session Presentation Award from IEEE INFOCOM 2016.
[January 2016]: Dr. Bo Ji was awarded Distinguished Member of the 2016 IEEE INFOCOM Technical Program Committee.