Background and Related Work
Experimental Results and Analysis
Conclusions and Future Work



Appendix A
A.1 Abbreviations of Terminology
Appendix B
B.1 User Interface of the Statistical Analyzer
B.2 User Interface of the Send and Receive Files
Appendix C
C.1 conf.xml
C.2 GEN_basicInfo.xml
C.3 ADC_basicInfo.xml
C.4 Result_A.xml
C.5 DataAnalysis_A.xml
Appendix D
D.1 Source Code


           This appendix gives all abbreviations of terminologies used in this thesis.

A.1 Abbreviations of Terminologies

ACK Acknowledgement
AODV Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector
AP Access Point
ARQ Automatic Repeat Request
BEST Bandwidth Efficient Source Tracing
BSA Basic Service Area
BSS Basic Service Set
CFP Contention Free Period
CP Contention Period
CPU Central Processing Unit
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check
CSMA/CA Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance
CTS Clear To Send
dBm "dBm" notation represents a measured power level in decibels relative to 1mW.
DBPSK Differential Binary Phase Shift Keying
DCF Distributed Coordination Function
DREAM Distance Routing Effect Algorithm for Mobility
DS Distributed System
DSDV Destination-Sequenced Distance Vector
DSR Dynamic Source Routing
DST Dynamic Source Tree
DSSS Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS)
DTBS Distributed Time Bounded Service
DQPSK Differential Quadrature Phase Shift Keying
ESS Extended Service Set
FCC Federal Communications Commission
FDDU Fiber Distributed Data Interface
FEC Forward Error Correction
FHSS Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum
FRC Forward Error Correction
GAF Geographical Adaptive Fidelity
HiperLAN High Performance Radio Local Area Network
IBSS Independent BSS
ID Identification
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IP Internet Protocol
IR Infrared
ISM Industrial, Scientific, and Medical
LAR Location Aided Routing
LCC Logical Link Control
MAC Medium Access Control
MANET Mobile Ad-Hoc Network
MN Mobile Node
MPDSR Multi-Path DSR
MPDU MAC Protocol Data Unit
MSDU MAC Service Data Unit
NAV Network Allocation Vector
NDIS Network Driver Interface Specification
ODMRP On-Demand Multicast Routing Protocol
OLSR Optimized Link State Routing
PCF Point Coordination Function
PDA Personal Digital Assistant
PDU Protocol Data Unit
PIFS Point Coordination Function IFS
P2P Peer-to-Peer
QoS Quality of Service
RAM Random Access Memory
RC4 Ron’s Code or Rivest’s Cipher, a stream cipher designed by Rivest for RSA Data Security.
RTS Request To Send
RWM Random Waypoint Model
SADSR Security Aware Adaptive Dynamic Source Routing Protocol
SIFS Short Inter Frame Space
STAR Source Tree Adaptive Routing
SWS Sliding Window Size
TBRPF Topology Dissemination Based on Reverse-Path Forwarding
TORA Temporarily-Ordered Routing Algorithm
UDP User Datagram Protocol
WECA Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance
WEP Wired Equivalent Privacy
Wi-Fi Wireless Fidelity
WLAN Wireless Local Area Network


B.1 User Interface of the Statistical Analyzer

           This appendix B shows user interfaces of the Statistical Analyzer used as a centralized data collector for all result files from each node and as an analyzer to generate appropriate graphs based on a selected set of x-parameter and y-parameter.

           Each Pocket PC can transmit any file to this Statistical Analyzer running on a laptop. The left text box shows the files arrived at the Statistical Analyzer. The selected Session and Round indicates the specific directory to store the arriving files. The IP address of the Statistical Analyzer is set manually to, as Figure B.1 shows.
           After the number of Session and Rounds is entered, the “Generate Sessions and Rounds Directories to Store Files to be Received” button will bring the generation of proper Sessions and Rounds. In the above example, there are 7 directories for 7 sessions, and 3 directories for 3 rounds within each of a session directory. Note that a user can designate the path that he or she wants to collect results files from all the nodes in the system in the upper left text box called the “Designate the Place You Want to Collect Result Files,” as shown in Figure B.2. Thus, the directories for the selected number of Sessions and Rounds will be created in the designated directory path.

           In Figure B.2, the “See Available Files” button shows all files arrived under the designated directory in the Statistical Analyzer. Also, a set of x- and y-parameter can be selected on the left side of the interface. X-parameters are the variables that are manipulated to set up a specific scenario. Y-parameters are the five standard metrics to measure the performance of our wireless ad hoc messenger.

           The “Show Mean Graph For All Rounds” button displays a graph with a mean value of three rounds based on the selected x and y parameter. The “Show Graph For Each Round” button demonstrates a graph with a value of each round. Figure B.3 and Figure B.4 show examples of respective graphs, where x-parameter is Speed and y-parameter is Delivery Ratio of Data Packet.

           The “See Basic Information” button, located at the right bottom in Figure B.1, is used to display the basic information obtained in GEN_basicInfo.xml and ADC_basicInfo.xml files, as shown in Figure B.5.

           The “Go To Compare Graphs” button in Figure B.1 brings the above user interface to display two curves based on two different conditions. X and y- parameters can be entered by a user and y values can be manually added. The specific conditions for each curve are explained in the condition text box. The “Show Graph” button shows the specified graph, as shown in Figure B.7.

B.2 User Interface of the Send and Receive Files

           Figure B.8 shows the user interface for the Send and Receive Files application. This application is developed to transmit any file to the Statistical Analyzer. That is, this application transmits result files in each node wirelessly to the centralized data collector, the Statistical Analyzer.


C.1 conf.xml

           The following XML file named conf.xml is generated based on input information described in another XML file named GEN_basicInfo.xml listed later in Appendix C.2. The input conditions are as follows:

Power Range: 100 m
Simulation Area: 200 m (Width)*200 (Height) m = 40,000 m²
Speed: 0 m/sec
Pause Time: 0 second
Participating Nodes: 7

Download conf.xml

C.2 GEN_basicInfo.xml

Download GEN_basicInfo.xml

C.3 ADC_basicInfo.xml

Download ADC_basicInfo.xml

C.4 Result_A.xml

Download Result_A.xml

C.5 DataAnalysis_A.xml

Download DataAnalysis_A.xml


D.1 Source Code

           You can download source code for all programs developed in this thesis from here.

Last updated: Thursday, July 29, 2004

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