Deep Media Examples
FDI Track on Visualization
in Educational and Research Computing - Spring 2011
ISO Scene Graph: Extensible 3D (X3D / VRML)
- Structure and Form - interactive curriculum
The knowledge base is a multimedia (img, movie, interactive 3D) website, the experimentation tool is a design application coupled to a structural simulator
- 3D graphs
- Chemical Markup Language (CML)
- Math
- Immunological Simulation
- Cell Biology
- Structural Energetics
- Proteins
- DNA Blast sequences
- Cityscapes & Urban Planning
- Art
- Architecture
- Objects
- VRML field guide
- Bio-Med Ed
- Edu-tainment destination: Gizeh circa 2556 BCE
Deep Media: ISO Standards-based
Software (VRML & X3D)
X3D / VRML Viewing:
For guidance on plug-ins and stand alone viewers, check out the page:
X3D / VRML Authoring:
- Vivaty
Studio (win)
- WhiteDune
(win, lin, mac)
- X3D-Edit
(win, lin, mac)
- There are also exporters for Blender,
Maya, 3DSMax, VMD, ...
- X3D for Web Authors
Book and website with examples, slides, podcast lessons!!!
- X3D Scene Authoring Hints ... see also VRML
/ X3D Tools @
- VRML Tutorials
* Vrml
Reference Manual
Deep Media Background and Publishing
/ Links
- Web3D
Polys, Nicholas F., Brutzman, Don, Steed, Anthony, Behr, Johannes (2008). "Future Standards for Immersive: Report on the IEEE VR 2007 Workshop." IEEE Computers Graphics & Applications 28(2).
Other Applications we use at VT ARC
Scientific Vis platforms
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