
Books and Book Chapters

  1. B. Li, B. Ji, and A. Eryilmaz, “Age-Efficient Scheduling in Communication Networks,” in book “Age of Information: Foundations and Applications,” Edited by Walid Saad, Harpreet Dhillon, Nikolaos Pappas, Mohamed A. Abd-Elmagid, and Bo Zhou, Cambridge University Press, February 2023. [PDF] [link]

  2. B. Ji, X. Lin, and N. B. Shroff, “Advances in Multi-Channel Resource Allocation: Throughput, Delay, and Complexity,” Synthesis Lectures on Learning, Networks, and Algorithms, Morgan & Claypool Publishers, November 2016. [link]

Journal Articles

  1. M. Corbett, B. David-John, J. Shang, and B. Ji, “ShouldAR: Detecting Shoulder Surfing Attacks Using Multimodal Eye Tracking and Augmented Reality,” Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT), accepted, July 2024. (Invited to present this work at UbiComp/ISWC 2024, Melbourne, Australia, October 2024) [Link] [Code]

  2. Y. Qiu, J. Zhang, T. Sun, Y. Chen, J. Zhang, and B. Ji, “WASTON: Inferring Critical Information to Enable Spoofing Attacks using COTS mmWave Radar,” IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC), accepted, June 2024.

  3. Z. Zhao, T. Wang, and B. Ji, “Randomized Multiarm Bandits: An Improved Adaptive Data Collection Method,” Statistical Analysis and Data Mining, accepted, March 2024.

  4. F. Li, X. Zhou, and B. Ji, “Distributed Linear Bandits with Differential Privacy,” IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering (TNSE), accepted, January 2024. (Invited Fast Track Submission from IEEE/IFIP WiOpt 2022) [Technical Report (arXiv)]

  5. M. Corbett, B. David-John, J. Shang, Y. C. Hu, and B. Ji, “Securing Bystander Privacy While Protecting the User Experience in Mixed Reality,” IEEE Security & Privacy, accepted, November 2023. [Technical Report (arXiv)]

  6. J. Chen, X. Qin, G. Zhu, B. Ji, and B. Li, “Motion-Prediction-based Wireless Scheduling for Interactive Panoramic Scene Delivery,” IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering (TNSE), accepted, October 2023. [Link]

  7. M. Corbett, J. Shang, and B. Ji, “GazePair: Efficient Pairing of Augmented Reality Devices Using Gaze Tracking,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 2407-2421, March 2024. [Technical Report (arXiv)] [Code]

  8. M. K. C. Shisher, B. Ji, I.-H. Hou, and Y. Sun, “Learning and Communications Co-Design for Remote Inference Systems: Feature Length Selection and Transmission Scheduling,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Information Theory (JSAIT), vol. 4, pp. 524-538, 2023. [Technical Report (arXiv)]

  9. Y. Qiu, J. Zhang, Y. Chen, J. Zhang, and B. Ji, “Radar^2: Passive Spy Radar Detection and Localization using COTS mmWave Radar,” IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS), vol. 18, pp. 2810-2825, April 2023. [Technical Report (arXiv)]

  10. F. Li, X. Zhou, and B. Ji, “(Private) Kernelized Bandits with Distributed Biased Feedback,” Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems (POMACS), vol. 7, no. 1, pp 1–47, March 2023. [Link]

  11. Z. Liu, B. Li, Z. Zheng, T. Hou, and B. Ji, “Towards Optimal Tradeoff Between Data Freshness and Update Cost in Information-update Systems,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IoT-J), vol. 10, no. 16, pp. 13988-14002, 15 August 2023.[Technical Report (arXiv)]

  12. G. Sallam, Z. Zheng, and B. Ji, “Placement and Allocation of Virtual Network Functions: Multi-dimensional Case,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), vol. 22, no. 7, pp. 4195-4211, 1 July 2023. [Technical Report (arXiv)]

  13. M. Yu, J. Liu, C. Wu, B. Ji, and E. S. Bentley, “Toward Efficient Online Scheduling for Distributed Machine Learning Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering (TNSE), vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 1951-1969, 1 July-Aug. 2022. [Technical Report (arXiv)]

  14. Z. Liu, L. Huang, B. Li, and B. Ji, “Anti-Aging Scheduling in Single-Server Queues: A Systematic and Comparative Study,” Journal of Communications and Networks, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 91-105, April 2021. [Technical Report (arXiv)]

  15. G. Sallam and B. Ji, “Joint Placement and Allocation of VNF Nodes with Budget and Capacity Constraints,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (ToN), vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 1238-1251, June 2021. [Technical Report (arXiv)]

  16. F. Li, Y. Sang, Z. Liu, B. Li, H. Wu, and B. Ji, “Waiting but not Aging: Optimizing Information Freshness Under the Pull Model,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (ToN), vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 465-478, February 2021. [Technical Report (arXiv)]

  17. L. Qian, Y. Wu, X. Xu, B. Ji, Z. Shi, and W. Jia, “Distributed Charging-Record Management for Electric Vehicle Networks via Blockchain,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IoT-J), vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 2150-2162, February, 2021. [Link]

  18. B. Li, J. Liu, and B. Ji, “Low-Overhead Wireless Uplink Scheduling for Large-Scale Internet-of-Things,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 577-587, February 2021. [Link]

  19. L. P. Qian, Y. Wu, B. Ji, and X. Shen, “Optimal ADMM-based Spectrum and Power Allocation for Heterogeneous Small-Cell Networks with Hybrid Energy Supplies,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 662-677, February 2021. [Link]

  20. Y. Chen, J. Wu, and B. Ji, “Deploying Virtual Network Functions With Non-Uniform Models in Tree-Structured Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM), vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 2260-2274, December 2020. [Link]

  21. F. Li, J. Liu, and B. Ji, “Combinatorial Sleeping Bandits with Fairness Constraints,” IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering (TNSE), vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 1799-1813, 1 July-Sept. 2020. (Invited Fast Track Submission from IEEE INFOCOM 2019) [Technical Report (arXiv)]

  22. H. Shakhatreh, A. Khreishah, and B. Ji, “UAVs to the Rescue: Prolonging the Lifetime of Wireless Devices Under Disaster Situations,” IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking (TGCN), vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 942-954, 2019. [Link]

  23. L. P. Qian, F. Ai, Y. Huang, Y. Wu, B. Ji, and Z. Shi, “Optimal SIC Ordering and Computation Resource Allocation in MEC-aware NOMA NB-IoT Networks,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IoT-J), vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 2806-2816, April 2019. [Link]

  24. L. P. Qian, Y. Wu, B. Ji, L. Huang, and D. H. K. Tsang, “HybridIoT: Integration of Hierarchical Multiple Access and Computation Offloading for IoT-Based Smart Cities,” IEEE Network, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 6-13, March/April 2019. [Link]

  25. Y. Sang, G. R. Gupta, and B. Ji, “Node-based Service-Balanced Scheduling for Provably Guaranteed Throughput and Evacuation Time Performance,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), vol. 17, no. 8, pp. 1938-1951, 2018. [Technical Report (arXiv)]

  26. A. Gharaibeh, A. Khreishah, B. Ji, and M. Ayyash, “A Provably Efficient Online Collaborative Caching Algorithm for Multicell-Coordinated Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), vol. 15, no. 8, pp. 1863-1876, 2016. [PDF] [Technical Report (arXiv)]

  27. B. Ji, G. R. Gupta, M. Sharma, X. Lin, and N. B. Shroff, “Achieving Optimal Throughput and Near-Optimal Asymptotic Delay Performance in Multi-Channel Wireless Networks with Low Complexity: A Practical Greedy Scheduling Policy,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (ToN), vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 880-893, 2015. [PDF] [Technical Report (arXiv)]

  28. B. Ji, G. R. Gupta, X. Lin, and N. B. Shroff, “Low-Complexity Scheduling Policies for Achieving Throughput and Asymptotic Delay Optimality in Multi-Channel Wireless Networks,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (ToN), vol. 22, no. 6, pp. 1911-1924, 2014. [PDF] [Technical Report (arXiv)]

  29. B. Ji, C. Joo, and N. B. Shroff, “Delay-based Back-pressure Scheduling in Multi-hop Wireless Networks,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (ToN), vol. 21, no.5, pp. 1539-1552, 2013. [PDF] [Technical Report (arXiv)]

  30. B. Ji, C. Joo, and N. B. Shroff, “Throughput-Optimal Scheduling in Multihop Wireless Networks Without Per-Flow Information,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (ToN), vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 634-647, 2013. [PDF] [Technical Report (arXiv)]

Conference Papers

  1. M. Sajid, S. Bukhari, B. Ji, and B. David-John, “‘Just stop doing everything for now!’: Understanding security attacks in remote collaborative mixed reality,” Proceedings of IEEE VR 2025, Saint-Malo, France, March 2025. [Technical Report (arXiv)]

  2. K. Arif, J. Yoon, D. Nikolopoulos, H. Vandierendonck, D. John, and B. Ji, “Attention-Guided Token Dropping for Efficient Inference of High-Resolution Vision-Language Models,” Proceedings of AAAI 2025, Philadelphia, PA, February – March 2025. [Technical Report (arXiv)] [Code]

  3. X. Wu, B. Ji, B. Li, “On the Low-Complexity of Fair Learning for Combinatorial Multi-Armed Bandit,” Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 2025, London, UK, May 2025. [Technical Report (arXiv)]

  4. D. Cheng, X. Zhou, and B. Ji, “Taming Heavy-Tailed Losses in Adversarial Bandits and the Best-of-Both-Worlds Setting,” Proceedings of NeurIPS 2024, Vancouver, Canada, December 2024. [Link]

  5. O. Bajaber, B. Ji, P. Gao, “P4Control: Line-Rate Cross-Host Attack Prevention via In-Network Information Flow Control Enabled by Programmable Switches and eBPF,” Proceedings of IEEE S&P (Oakland) 2024, San Francisco, CA, May 2024. [Link] [Technical Report (arXiv)] [Code]

  6. K. Zhang, Z. Liu, N. Choi, and B. Ji, “Learning-augmented Online Algorithm for Two-level Ski-rental Problem,” Proceedings of AAAI 2024, Vancouver, Canada, February 2024. [Link] [Technical Report (arXiv)]

  7. C.-W. Ching, X. Chen, T. Kim, B. Ji, Q. Wang, D. D. Silva, and L. Hu, “Totoro: A Scalable Federated Learning Engine for the Edge,” Proceedings of ACM EuroSys 2024, Athens, Greece, April 2024. [Link]

  8. D. Cheng, X. Zhou, and B. Ji, “Understanding the Role of Feedback in Online Learning with Switching Costs,” Proceedings of ICML 2023, Honolulu, HI, July 2023. [Link] [Technical Report (arXiv)] [Poster]

  9. M. Corbett, B. David-John, J. Shang, Y. C. Hu, and B. Ji, “BystandAR: Protecting Bystander Visual Data in Augmented Reality Systems,” Proceedings of ACM MobiSys 2023, Helsinki, Finland, June 2023. [Link] [Code]

  10. B. Sel, A. Al-Tawaha, Y. Ding, R. Jia, B. Ji, J. Lavaei, and M. Jin, “Learning-to-Learn to Guide Random Search: Derivative-Free Meta Blackbox Optimization on Manifold,” Proceedings of L4DC 2023, Philadelphia, PA, June 2023. [Link]

  11. F. Li, X. Zhou, and B. Ji, “(Private) Kernelized Bandits with Distributed Biased Feedback,” Proceedings of ACM SIGMETRICS 2023, Orlando, FL, June 2023. [Link] [Technical Report (arXiv)]

  12. S. Zhang, B. Ji, K. Zeng, and H. Zeng “Realizing Uplink MU-MIMO Communication in mmWave WLANs: Bayesian Optimization and Asynchronous Transmission,” Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 2023, New York, May 2023. [Link]

  13. J. Steiger, B. Li, B. Ji, and N. Lu, “Constrained Bandit Learning with Switching Costs for Wireless Networks,” Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 2023, New York, May 2023. [Link]

  14. R. Khan, A. Yazdani, Y. Fu, A. Paul, B. Ji, X. Jian, Y. Cheng, and A. Butt, “SHADE: Enable Fundamental Cacheability for Distributed Deep Learning Training,” Proceedings of USENIX FAST 2023, Santa Clara, CA, February 2023. [Link]

  15. X. Zhou and B. Ji, “On Kernelized Multi-Armed Bandits with Constraints,” Proceedings of NeurIPS 2022, New Orleans, LA, November 2022. [Link] [Technical Report (arXiv)]

  16. M. Yu, B. Ji, H. Rajan, and J. Liu, “On Scheduling Ring-All-Reduce Learning Jobs in Multi-Tenant GPU Clusters with Communication Contention,” Proceedings of ACM MobiHoc 2022, Seoul, South Korea, October 2022. [Technical Report (arXiv)]

  17. F. Li, X. Zhou, and B. Ji, “Differentially Private Linear Bandits with Partial Distributed Feedback,” Proceedings of IEEE/IFIP WiOpt 2022, Turin, Italy, September 2022. [Technical Report (arXiv)] (Best Student Paper Award)

  18. Z. Liu, B. Li, Z. Zheng, Y. T. Hou, and B. Ji, “Towards Optimal Tradeoff Between Data Freshness and Update Cost in Information-update Systems,” Proceedings of ICCCN 2022, Virtual Event, July 2022. (invited paper) [Technical Report (arXiv)]

  19. M. Yu, Y. Tian, B. Ji, C. Wu, H. Rajan, and J. Liu, “GADGET: Online Resource Optimization for Scheduling Ring-All-Reduce Learning Jobs,” IEEE INFOCOM 2022, Virtual Event, May 2022. [Technical Report (arXiv)]

  20. F. Li, J. Liu, and B. Ji, “Federated Learning with Fair Worker Selection: A Multi-Round Submodular Maximization Approach,” Proceedings of IEEE MASS 2021, Virtual Event, October 2021. [Technical Report (arXiv)]

  21. Z. Liu, Y. Sang, B. Li, and B. Ji, “A Worst-Case Approximate Analysis of Peak Age-of-Information via Robust Queueing Approach,” Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 2021, Virtual Event, May 2021. [Technical Report (arXiv)]

  22. M. Yu, C. Wu, B. Ji, and J. Liu, “A Sum-of-Ratios Multi-Dimensional-Knapsack Decomposition for DNN Resource Scheduling,” Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 2021, Virtual Event, May 2021. [Technical Report (arXiv)]

  23. J. Chen, X. Qin, G. Zhu, B. Ji, and B. Li, “Motion-Prediction-based Wireless Scheduling for Multi-User Panoramic Video Streaming,” Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 2021, Virtual Event, May 2021. [PDF]

  24. G. Sallam, Z. Zheng, J. Wu, and B. Ji, “Robust Sequence Submodular Maximization,” Proceedings of NeurIPS 2020, Virtual Event, December 2020. [Link] [Technical Report (arXiv)]

  25. Y. Chen, J. Wu, and B. Ji, “Optimizing Flow Bandwidth Consumption with Traffic-diminishing Middlebox Placement,” Proceedings of ICPP 2020, Virtual Event, August 2020.

  26. G. Sallam, Z. Zheng, and B. Ji, “Placement and Allocation of Virtual Network Functions: Multi-dimensional Case,” Proceedings of IEEE ICNP 2019, Chicago, Illinois, October 2019. [Technical Report (arXiv)]

  27. Z. Liu and B. Ji, “Towards the Tradeoff Between Service Performance and Information Freshness,” Proceedings of IEEE ICC 2019, Shanghai, China, May 2019. [Technical Report (arXiv)]

  28. F. Li, J. Liu, and B. Ji, “Combinatorial Sleeping Bandits with Fairness Constraints,” Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 2019, Paris, France, April/May 2019. [Technical Report (arXiv)] (Best Paper Award; Best-in-Session Presentation Award)

  29. G. Sallam and B. Ji, “Joint Placement and Allocation of Virtual Network Functions with Budget and Capacity Constraints,” Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 2019, Paris, France, April/May 2019. [Technical Report (arXiv)]

  30. A. I. Mandviwalla, K. Ohshiro, and B. Ji, “Implementing Grover's Algorithm on the IBM Quantum Computers,” Proceedings of the 5th National Symposium for NSF REU Research in Data Science, Systems, and Security, Seattle, WA, December 2018. [PDF]

  31. Y. Chen, J. Wu, and B. Ji, “Virtual Network Function Deployment in Tree-structured Networks,” Proceedings of IEEE ICNP 2018, Cambridge, UK, September 2018. [PDF]

  32. N. Lu, B. Ji, and B. Li, “Age-based Scheduling: Improving Data Freshness for Wireless Real-Time Traffic,” Proceedings of ACM MobiHoc 2018, Los Angeles, California, June 2018. [PDF]

  33. B. Li, B. Ji, and J. Liu, “Efficient and Low-Overhead Uplink Scheduling for Large-Scale Wireless Internet-of-Things,” Proceedings of IEEE/IFIP WiOpt 2018, Shanghai, China, May 2018. [PDF]

  34. K. Chi, L. Wu, X. Du, G. Yin, J. Wu, B. Ji, and X. Hei, “Enabling Fair Spectrum Sharing between Wi-Fi and LTE-Unlicensed,” Proceedings of IEEE ICC 2018, Kansas City, MO, May 2018.

  35. G. Sallam, G. R. Gupta, B. Li, and B. Ji, “Shortest Path and Maximum Flow Problems Under Service Function Chaining Constraints,” Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 2018, Honolulu, HI, April 2018. [PDF] (Best-in-Session Presentation Award)

  36. Y. Sang, B. Li, and B. Ji, “The Power of Waiting for More than One Response in Minimizing the Age-of-Information,” Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM 2017, Singapore, December 2017. [Technical Report (arXiv)]

  37. Y. Sang, B. Ji, G. R. Gupta, X. Du, and L. Ye, “Provably Efficient Algorithms for Joint Placement and Allocation of Virtual Network Functions,” Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 2017, Atlanta, GA, May 2017. [PDF] [Technical Report (arXiv)]

  38. H. Shakhatreh, A. Khreishah, and B. Ji, “Providing Wireless Coverage to High-rise Buildings Using UAVs,” Proceedings of IEEE ICC 2017, Paris, France, May 2017.

  39. L. Wu, B. Brandt, X. Du, and B. Ji, “Analysis of Clickjacking Attacks and An Effective Defense Scheme for Android Devices,” Proceedings of IEEE CNS 2016, Philadelphia, PA, October 2016. [PDF]

  40. B. Ji and Y. Sang, “Throughput Characterization of Node-based Scheduling in Multihop Wireless Networks: A Novel Application of the Gallai-Edmonds Structure Theorem,” Proceedings of ACM MobiHoc 2016, Paderborn, Germany, July 2016. [PDF]

  41. B. Ji, G. R. Gupta, and Y. Sang, “Node-based Service-Balanced Scheduling for Provably Guaranteed Throughput and Evacuation Time Performance,” Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 2016, San Francisco, CA, April 2016. [PDF] [Technical Report (arXiv)] (Best-in-Session Presentation Award)

  42. Z. Qian, B. Ji, K. Srinivasan, and N. B. Shroff, “Achieving Delay Rate-function Optimality in OFDM Downlink with Time-correlated Channels,” Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 2016, San Francisco, CA, April 2016. [PDF] [Technical Report (arXiv)]

  43. Y. Zheng, B. Ji, N. B. Shroff, and P. Sinha, “Forget the Deadline: Scheduling Interactive Applications in Data Centers,” Proceedings of IEEE CLOUD 2015, New York, June 2015. [PDF]

  44. B. Ji and J. Wu, “Node-based Scheduling with Provable Evacuation Time,” Proceedings of CISS 2015, Baltimore, MD, March 2015. [PDF]

  45. B. Ji, G. R. Gupta, X. Lin, and N. B. Shroff, “Performance of Low-Complexity Greedy Scheduling Policies in Multi-Channel Wireless Networks: Optimal Throughput and Near-Optimal Delay,” Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 2013, Turin, Italy, April 2013. (Note: There is a mistake in Lemma 1 of the original INFOCOM 2013 paper. Please refer to the journal version [PDF] or [Technical Report (arXiv)] for the corrected version.)

  46. B. Ji, C. Joo, and N. B. Shroff, “Exploring the Inefficiency and Instability of Back-Pressure Algorithms,” Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 2013, Turin, Italy, April 2013. [PDF]

  47. B. Ji, C. Joo, and N. B. Shroff, “Scheduling with Per-link Queues and No Per-flow Information in Multi-hop Wireless Networks,” Proceedings of IEEE/IFIP WiOpt 2011, Princeton, NJ, May 2011. [PDF] [Technical Report (arXiv)]

  48. B. Ji, C. Joo, and N. B. Shroff, “Delay-based Back-pressure Scheduling in Multi-hop Wireless Networks,” Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 2011, Shanghai, China, April 2011. [PDF] [Technical Report (arXiv)]

  49. B. Ji, J. Zhou, J. Zhu, and L. Qian, “Fastpath-based VPN gateway over network processor,” Proceedings of IET ICWMMN 2006, Hangzhou, China, November 2006.

  50. B. Ji, J. Zhou, L. Qian, and K. Chen, “An implementation of LVS-based highly-available Radius server,” Proceedings of IET ICWMMN 2006, Hangzhou, China, November 2006.

Workshop Papers

  1. B. David-John, B. Ji, and E. Selinger, “Understanding the Long-term Impact and Perceptions of Privacy-enhancing Technologies for Bystander Obscuration in AR,” Adjunct Proceedings of IEEE ISMAR 2024, SafeAR Workshop 2024, Seattle, WA, October 2024.

  2. Z. Liu, K. Zhang, B. Li, Y. Sun, T. Hou, and B. Ji, “Learning-augmented Online Minimization of Age of Information and Transmission Costs,” Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 2024, Workshop on Age and Semantics of Information (ASoI), Vancouver, Canada, May 2024. [Technical Report (arXiv)]

  3. M. Jackson, B. Ji, and D. Nikolopoulos, “FrameFeedback: A Closed-Loop Control System for Dynamic Offloading Real-Time Edge Inference,” Proceedings of IEEE IPDPS 2024, Workshop on Parallel AI and Systems for the Edge (PAISE), San Francisco, CA, May 2024.

  4. Z. Liu, L. Huang, B. Li, and B. Ji, “Anti-Aging Scheduling in Single-Server Queues: A Systematic and Comparative Study,” Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 2020, Workshop on Age of Information (AoI), Virtual Event, July 2020. [Technical Report (arXiv)]

  5. Y. Wu, X. Xu, L. Qian, B. Ji, Z. Shi, and W. Jia, “Revenue-Sharing based Computation-Resource Allocation for Mobile Blockchain,” Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 2020, Workshop on Intelligent Cloud Computing and Networking (ICCN), Virtual Event, July 2020.

  6. Y. Wu, Y. He, L. P. Qian, and B. Ji, “Energy-Aware Spectrum Sharing for Dynamic Spectrum Access via Monotonic Optimization,” Proceedings of IEEE ICC 2015, Workshop on MIMO and Cognitive Radio Technologies in Multihop Network (MIMOCR), London, UK, June 2015. [PDF]

Short Papers & Posters

  1. M. Corbett, B. David-John, J. Shang, Y. C. Hu, and B. Ji, “BystandAR: Protecting Bystander Visual Data in Augmented Reality Systems,” Proceedings of ACM MobiSys 2023, Helsinki, Finland, June 2023. (Poster) [Link]

  2. Y. Qiu, J. Zhang, K. Huang, J. Zhang, and B. Ji, “Radar-CA: Radar-Sensing Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance,” ACM MobiSys 2023, Helsinki, Finland, June 2023. (Poster) [Link]

  3. X. Li, H. Vandierendonck, D. S. Nikolopoulos, B. Ji, B. Cardiff, and D. John, “Decentralised Biomedical Signal Classification using Early Exits,” IEEE NEWCAS 2023, Edinburgh, Scotland, June 2023.

  4. J. Ryan, Y. Qiu, and B. Ji, “Towards Silent Speaker Recognition Based on Micro-Doppler Signature of Articulatory Movement Using mmWave Radar,” the Council on Undergraduate Research’s 2019 Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Symposium, Alexandria, VA, October 2019. (Poster)

  5. F. Li, J. Liu, and B. Ji, “Combinatorial Sleeping Bandits with Fairness Constraints,” The 4th Information Modeling, Analysis, and Control of Complex Systems (IMACCS) Workshop, June 2019. (Poster)

  6. Z. Liu and B. Ji, “Towards the Tradeoff Between Service Performance and Information Freshness,” The 4th Information Modeling, Analysis, and Control of Complex Systems (IMACCS) Workshop, June 2019. (Poster)

  7. Y. Qiu, J. Zhang, and B. Ji, “WiStress: Wireless Stress Detection based on Continuous-wave mmWave Radar,” The 4th Information Modeling, Analysis, and Control of Complex Systems (IMACCS) Workshop, June 2019. (Poster)

  8. Y. Sang, B. Li, and B. Ji, “The Power of Waiting for More than One Response in Minimizing the Age-of-Information,” The 2nd Age of Information Workshop (AoI Workshop), co-located with IEEE INFOCOM 2019. (Invited Poster)

  9. K. Ohshiro and B. Ji, “Implementing Grover's Algorithm on the IBM Quantum Computers,” Undergraduate Research Program Symposium, College of Science and Technology, Temple University, September 2018. (Poster)

  10. C. Skinner, Y. Sang, and B. Ji, “Improving Timeliness of Information through Replicating Requests,” Proceedings of IEEE SARNOFF 2016, Newark, NJ, September 2016. (Peer-reviewed poster)


  1. “Systems and Methods for Protecting Bystander Visual Data Privacy in Augmented Reality Systems,” provisional, April 2023. (Co-inventors: M. Corbett, B. David-John, J. Shang, and Y. C. Hu)

  2. “Systems and Methods for Efficient Pairing of Augmented Reality Devices Using Gaze Tracking,” provisional, July 2022. (Co-inventors: M. Corbett and J. Shang)

  3. “Diagnosis of Cellular Network Element States Using Radio Frequency Measurements,” U.S. Patent Number: US20140153418A1, Jun. 5, 2014. (Co-inventors: S. Hariharan, E. Tsui, C. M. Riley, and X. Tang)

  4. “Virtual Special Network Safety Gateway With Multiple Access Modes,” China Patent Number: CN200810060766, Sep. 2008. (Co-inventors: J. Zhou, Y. Xing, and J. Zhu)