Computer Science Seminar Series

Department of Computer Science

Northern Virginia Center, Virginia Tech

Fall 2013, NVC R325, Friday 1-2PM
(08, 09S,09F, 10S, 10F, 11S, 11F, 12S, 12F, 13S, 13F, 14S, 14F,15S,15F,
16S, 16F, 17S, 17F, 18S,18F,19S,19F,20S,20F,21S,21F,22S)

Week Date Speaker Affiliation Topic Abs & Bio
4 9/20 Prof. Chaowei Yang Dept. of Geography and Geoinformation Science
George Mason U.
From Spatial Computing to Spatiotemporal Computing Abstract
5 9/27 Prof. Gabe Sibley CS Dept.
George Washington U.
Mobile Robot Perception for Long-term Autonomy Abstract
7 10/11 Prof. Pierangela Samarati Dept. of Informatica
University of Milan
Protection in the Cloud Abstract
8 10/18 Prof. Zheng Yan Dept. of Communications and Networking, Aalto University Usable Trust Management and Its Applications Abstract
9 10/25 Prof. Songqing Chen CS Dept.
George Mason University
Towards Power-Efficient Internet Streaming to Mobile Devices Abstract
10 11/1 Prof. Guru Venkataramani ECE Dept.
George Washington U.
Power Debugging in Multicore Processors Abstract
11 11/8 Prof. Suresh
ECE Dept.
George Washington U.
Towards Providing Reliability as a Service (RaaS) in Cloud Computing Abstract
12 11/15 Prof. Jim Jones ECE Dept.
George Mason University
Digital Artifact Extraction, Analysis, and Manipulation Abstract
13 11/22 Prof. Ruixin Yang Dept. of Geography and Geoinformation Science
George Mason U.
Scientific Data Mining and Its Applications in Tropical Cyclone Research Abstract
14 11/29
Thanksgiving holiday
15 12/6 Prof. Hang Liu EECS Dept.
Catholic University of America

A Scalable Information-Centric Networking Architecture for the Future Internet Abstract

NVC Driving Direction, CS NVC VT, CS Blacksburg

CS BB Seminar, Math Application Seminar(GWU)

VT NVC, Virginia Tech