CS4204 Computer Graphics
Tuesday, Thursday 3:30pm - 4:45pm
McBryde 321
Yong Cao, KWII 124, Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday 1:30pm - 3:00pm at McBryde 133B, or by appointment.
Email: yongcao@vt.edu
Sean Ponce, Office Hours: Monday 12:30pm - 2:30pm and Wednesday 11:00am - 1:00pm at McBryde 133, or by appointment.
Email: ponce@vt.edu
There are two main goals of this course:
The course will provide a foundation to students who want to join industry requiring graphics programming skills, such as movie and vidoe games companies. It will also prepare enough background to help students continue on Computer Graphics research in gradudate school.
In the course, we will introduce up-to-date graphics research problems and ask students to provide simple solutions with the knowledge they learn from this course.
We will test students with homeworks and exams for their knowledge of what they learn from the course. We will also design a series of projects to provide pratical training on Graphics problem solving and programming skills.
![]() |
Computer Graphics Using OpenGL (Third Edition) Francis S Hill, Jr. Prentice Hall, 2006 |
CS 2604 Data Structure and File Management
CS 2606 Data Structure and Object-Orient Development
There are three projects scheduled for this course. Each project is designed to build on the previous project. The goal is to provide a pratical environment to motivate students, so that they can use graphics tools to help their own research or projects.
The students can work on windows station at Computer Science open Lab or on their own Windows system. The programming environment is Microsoft Visual C++ (version 7.1, aka .NET). Here is a Guide on OpenGL setup in Micosoft Visual Studio.
Please refer to the class schedule for the due day of projects.
Homework assignments | 15% |
Quizzes | 10% |
Projects | 30% |
Midterm | 20% |
Final | 25% |
The Honor Code will be strictly enforced. It is a violation to represent joint work as your own or to let others use your work; always acknowledge any assistance you received in preparing work that bears your name. You are expected to work independently unless explicitly permitted to collaborate on a particular project. It is not a violation to discuss approaches to programs with others; however, it IS a violation to use code fragments in your program that have been written by others without acknowledging the source.
Schedule | Homework & Projects | Additional Materials | |
Week 1 |
Week 2 |
Week 3 |
Week 4 |
Project 1 due on Midnight September 12th (Wednesday) |
Week 5 | |||
Week 6 |
Week 7 |
Week 8 | |||
Week 9 | |||
Week 10 |
Week 11 |
Week 12 | |||
Week 13 | |||
Week 14 | Thanksgiving holiday | ||
Week 15 |
Project 3 due on Midnight November 28th (Wednesday) | |
Week 16 |
Take home final exam due by 11:59pm, Thursday, 12/13/2007 |