Email: ryder 'at' ryder "at"
Short Biography
Dr. Barbara G. Ryder is a emerita faculty member
in the Department
of Computer Science at Virginia Tech, where she
held the J. Byron Maupin Professorship in
Engineering. She received her A.B. degree in Applied Mathematics from
Brown University (1969), her Masters degree in Computer Science from Stanford University
(1971) and her Ph.D degree in Computer Science at Rutgers University (1982). From 2008-2015 she served as
Head of the Department of Computer Science at Virginia Tech,
and retired on September 1, 2016.
Dr. Ryder served on the faculty of Rutgers from 1982-2008. She also
worked in the 1970s at AT&T Bell Laboratories in
Murray Hill, NJ. Dr. Ryder's research interests
on static and dynamic program analyses for
object-oriented systems, focus on usage in
practical software tools for ensuring the quality
and security of industrial-strength applications.
Dr. Ryder became a Fellow of the ACM in 1998, received the NCWIT
Harrold-Notkin Research and Graduate Mentoring Award (2021),
received the IEEE Computer Society TCSE Distinguished
Women in Science and Engineering Award (2018),
received the ACM SIGSOFT Influential Educator
Award (2015) and the ACM President's Award (2008),
was selected as a CRA-W Distinguished Professor (2004),
and received the ACM SIGPLAN Distinguished
Service Award (2001). She has been an active
leader in ACM (e.g., Vice President 2010-2012,
Secretary-Treasurer 2008-2010; ACM Council
2000-2008; General Chair, FCRC 2003; Chair ACM
SIGPLAN (1995-97)). She serves as a Member of
the Board of Directors of the Computer Research
Association (2014-present,1998-2001).
Dr. Ryder has served as an editorial board member of
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and
Methodology, ACM Transactions
on Programming Languages and Systems, IEEE
Transactions on Software Engineering,
Software: Practice and Experience,
and Science of Computer Programming.
Dr. Ryder received the Virginia AAUW
Woman of Achievement Award in 2014. She led
the Department of Computer Science team which tied
nationally for 2nd place in the
2016 NCWIT NEXT Awards.
She is a founding member of the NCWIT VA/DC
Aspirations in Computing Awards, having co-chaired
these awards in 2012-13 and 2014-15 and having
served on the organizing committee since 2011. She also
was an executive champion for CS@VT in the NCWIT
Pacesetters (2009-2015).
CV (as of 9/18/2021)
Google Scholar Page

In rememberance of those slain

We Remember
- ACM Fellow, 1998
- NCWIT Harrold-Notkin Research and Graduate Mentoring Award,
- IEEE Computer Society's TCSE 2018 Distinguished Women in
Engineering and Science (WISE) Award
- Rutgers School of Arts and Sciences Computer Science
Distinguished Alumni Award, 2016
- Team leader for Department of Computer Science at
Virginia Tech, which tied for 2nd place in the
2016 National Center for Women in Information Technology (NCWIT)
Extension Services Transformation (NEXT) Awards,
and received a $50,000 gift for continuing diversity activities.
- ACM SIGSOFT Influential Educator Award, 2015
- Elected Member of Board of Directors of CRA, 2014-2017, (1998-2001)
- Woman of Achievement Award from Virginia AAUW,
- Elected ACM Vice President, 2010
- ACM Presidential Award, 2008
- Elected ACM Secretary-Treasurer, 2008
- Graduate School Teaching Award, Rutgers Univeristy, New Brunswick, 2007
- Rutgers University Leader in Diversity Award, 2006
- Distinguished Program Committee Member Award, Conference on Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE), 2006
- CRA-W Distinguished Professor, 2004
- Professor of the Year, Computer Science Graduate Students Society (CSGSS) Award for Excellence in Teaching, Rutgers University, 2003
- ACM SIGPLAN Distinguished Service Award, 2001
- Keynote Speaker, 19th Asia-Pacific Enginering Conference (APSEC 2012); ACM India Annual Conference, Hyderabad, India (2011);
International Conference on Compiler Construction, Warsaw, Poland (2003)
- Best of PLDI Collection 1970-1996, Landi-Ryder PLDI'92
My research group has been informally referred to as
PROLANGS@VT the PROgramming
LANGuageS research group. A full listing of publications from the group
(and its predecessor at Rutgers University) is available
here in
reverse chronological order.
Current Grants
NSF Student Travel Grant for 2017 Programming Languages Mentoring
Workshop (PLMW@SPLASH) at the ACM SIGPLAN SPLASH Conference, PI:
Dr. Barbara G. Ryder.
Here is my keynote talk on
Analysis for JavaScript at APSEC 2012.
I was an invited instructor
at ACACES 2007: Third
International Summer School on Advanced Computer Architecture and
Compilation for Embedded Systems, in L'Aquila, Italy, in July 2007. I
taught a course in program analyses for object-oriented languages. My
five lectures are available 2-up in PDF format here:
Lecture 1
Lecture 2
Lecture 3
Lecture 4
Lecture 5
During September 2006, I delivered a lecture at the International School on
Software Engineering at the University of Salerno, entitled "Practical
Program Anlaysis for Object-oriented Software Tools", available in PDF
format in two parts
(1) and (2).
In April 2003, I was a keynote
speaker at the International Conference on Compiler Construction,
Warsaw, Poland. My talk there on Dimensions of Precision in Reference
Analysis of Object-oriented Languages is available
in PDF with the animations as a 4.5Mb file or
without the animations printed 2-up as a .5Mb file.
--Served as a Coach with 2 mentees for the NSF CS4GradUS program, 2021-2023
--Served as a reviewer for the ACM India Outstanding Contributions in Computing by a Woman Award (2020, 2021)
--Served on the HOPL-IV program committee, actively shepherding and reviewing papers; the conference occurred in conjunction with PLDI 2021.
---Organizer of the 2020 CRA Mentoring Workshop in February.
---In June 2020, finished 6 years on the CRA Board of Directors, and became an emerita member of the CRA-Education Committee. In 2019, I co-organized a CRA-E Teaching Professors Workshop at SIGCSE 2019
and I will help with the 2021 virtual workshop of the same name.
---In 2018, I was on the organizing committee of the Programming Languages Mentoring Workshop (PLMW@SPLASH) at SPLASH 2018 in Boston.
I continue to serve on the CS@VT Alumni Advisory Board and as Chair of its Alumni Awards Committee (until June 2020). A description of our alumni awards and several previous awardees can be found here.
You can find the nomination form
I also have been actively fund-raising for the CS@VT's diversity endowment fund, which at the end of 2020 attained a balance of more than $160,000 dollars.
My main volunteer focus is (i) the All Faiths Food Bank, although our monthly food pantry is closed now, due to COVID-19, we are bagging weekend snacks for children who are food insecure, and (ii) the League of Women Voters of Florida and LWV of Sarasota County. In LWVFL, I became a key volunteer in the LWVFL effort to help ex-felons in Florida register to vote, as Assistant to LWVFL President Cecile Scoon, Esq.. In this position, I administer the Volunteer Pro Bono Attorney Referral Program to match pro bono attorneys with ex-felons needing assistance to obtain their voting rights, and keep track of LWVFL online lawyer trainings on voting rights restoration. In LWVSRQ I participate in the Election Reform Committee and register voters.
I am honored to be serving on
the History of Programming Languages IV (HOPL-IV) program committee,
having served on the HOPL-II PC and as co-program/general chair of
HOPL-III (2007).
I am co-chairing the Programming Languages Mentoring Workshop (PLMW@SPLASH)
at SPLASH 2017 in Vancouver, with Lori Pollock.
I was re-elected to the Computing Research Association (CRA) Board for
a term from 2017-2020. As a member of the CRA-Education Committee,
I am chairing the Undergraduate Research Faculty Mentoring Awards for
2017 and 2018. I currently serve on an ad hoc CRA Board committee
concerned with addressing the problems experienced by underrepresented
minorities in computing. I continue to serve as an Associate Editor of
I am an ex-officio member of CS@VT Alumni
Advisory Board, as it is being reconstituted by Department Head
Dr. Cal Ribbens and have agreed to serve as Chair of the Awards
Committee of this Board. I also am participating in Meet CS Alumni
visits (with Dr. Ribbens) around the country. I continue to mentor
junior CS faculty and served on the CS@VT NSF CAREER Award mentoring
Community: In Sarasota, Florida, my new home, I volunteer
regularly at the All Faiths Food Bank I am active member of the
Sarasota League of Women Voters.
I am a member of the CRA Board of Directors, the
CRA Education Committee, and the organizing
committee for Snowbird 2016. I served on the committee to select
the CRA-E Undergraduate Research Faculty Mentoring Award, which
I will chair for the 2017 competition. I also helped develop a
workshop on undergraduate research mentoring given at ICSE
2016. At Snowbird, I am chairing/organizing the Data Sciences
in the 21st Century panel session and helping to organize
the New Department Heads Workshop. I served on the selection
committee for the new EIC of ACM TOPLAS and was a member of the
Technical Briefings Program Committee for ICSE 2016.
I chaired the CS@VT Diversity Committee (AY 2015-16)
I became an emerita professor in September 2016. As such,
I continue to work on diversity activities (e.g., Tapia Celebration),
mentor younger CS faculty members, and actively participate/help organize
activities with CS@VT alumni.
I continue on the CCICADA Advisory Board
and the CRA Board of Directors. I am a member of the CRA-E committee, working on
mentoring young faculty/graduate students as to how to do reserach
with undergraduates
and on developing a CRA faculty research mentoring award to recognize outstanding
academic mentors of undergraduate researchers.
I am serving on the ACM SIGSOFT selections committee for the 2016 Influential
Educator Award.
I also continue in my 5th year as a member of the organizing committee of the
NCWIT VA/DC Aspirations in Computing Awards.
I am Chair of the CS@VT Diversity Committee and a member
of the College of Engineering Mentoring Committee. I also serve as a mentor to
several of junior faculty in my department.
I was elected to the Board of Directors of the
Computing Research Assocation (CRA) in July 2014.
I served as a member of the Advisory Board of
the DIMACS Homeland Security Center of Excellence
CCICADA: Command, Control, and Interoperatiiby Center for Advanced Data Analysis
at Rutgers University. I continue to serve as a member of
ISSTA Steering Committee. I am a member of the
project that explores the impact of Software Engineering research
on programming practice. As part of this project, I co-authored a
paperr with Mary Lou Soffa and Margaret Burnett, published in ACM TOSEM
in October 2005,
The Impact of Software Engineering on Modern Programming
I continue in activities with NCWIT Pacesetters,
VA/DC Aspirations in Computing awards and with the NCWIT NSF Engage project.
I continued to serve on the High Performance Computing Infrastructure
Committee and on the Hume Center Stakeholders committee
I continue as a member of the ADVANCE-VT
Faculty Advisory Committee and a member of the ADVANCE Portal Website Advisory
I served as co-chair of the 2013
VA/DC Regional Aspirations in Computing awards. I continue to serve as a member of
the ACM SIGSOFT ISSTA Steering Committee.
I was a member of the search committee for a new department head for
Electrical and Computer Engineering at Virginia Tech. I continue to chair the
Virginia Tech College of Engineering High Performance Computing
Committee, and to serve on the High Performance Computing Infrastructure
Committee and on the Hume Center Stakeholders committee.
I also co-chaired the University Committee on Computational and Quantitative Thinking.
I was a founding organizer of the
VA/DC Regional Aspirations in Computing awards. I continued in my
actvities in the NCWIT Pacesetters program and on the two advisory
boards mentioned in 2011 below. I also was a member of the search
committee for a new department head for Aerospace and Oceanographic
Engineering at Virginia Tech (2011-2012). I continue to chair the
Virginia Tech College of Engineering High Performance Computing
Committee, and to serve on the High Performance Computing Infrastructure
Committee and on the Hume Center Stakeholders committee.
I was a member of the PLDI 2012 Program Committee and
continued serving on the ISSTA Steering Committee. I was Executive
Champion on the three person team at CS@VT in the NCWIT
Pacesetters program and served on the Advisory Boards for the
CRA-W/CDC Project on Measuring Outcomes for Students in Computing (the
Data Buddy project) and the NSF-funded Discovery Research K-12 project
The Value of Computational Thinking Across Grade Levels led by
DIMACS at Rutgers University.
I was elected Vice President of ACM
from July 2010-June 2012, which means that I served on the ACM
Executive Committee and ACM Council. I also chaired the ACM EC's
Membership Task Force on Researchers/Academics in North America.
I was a member of the organizing
committee for the CRA Snowbird Workshop for New
Department Chairs, July 2010. I served as a guiest
co-editor of the ISSTA 2008 special issue of
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering published in 2010.
I served as ACM Secretary-Treasurer from 2008-2010, and
served on the ACM Membership Task Force in 2009. I served
as ACM SIGSOFT ISSTA Steering Committee Chair from July
2008-July 2009.
I served as the General Chair of the ISSTA 2008,
International Symposium on Software Testing and
Analysis (ISSTA) in July 2008 in Seattle. I organized
the State of the Art in Software Testing and Analysis
Workshop at Rutgers on March 28, 2008. I talked about
teaching and mentoring graduate students at the New
Software Engineering Faculty Symposium (NSEFS) at ICSE
2008. I was a panelist at the
Fifth CRA-W Graduate
Cohort Workshop in Seattle, WA in March 2008. I talked
about How to get started in research? I was a member
of the FSE 2008 Doctoral Symposium Committee.
I taught the graduate programming languages course
CS 5314 Concepts of Programming Languages in Spring 2016.
In Fall 2015 I taught a graduate seminar on program analysis,
CS 6304 Program Analysis and Applications.
While I served as department head of CS@VT (2008-2015),
I taught the graduate weekly research seminar in 2009-2010.
The courses listed below were taught at Rutgers.
During each of the academic years 2005-2008 at Rutgers, I led
the Rutgers Emerging Scholars in
Computer Science, a peer-led team-learning program in CS funded by
the NSF. I was part of a consortium of eight universities on this
grant. This program recruited incoming Rutgers students to take CS111
(CS1) supplemented by a 2 hour a week peer-led, group learning
session, designed to enhance the learning of concepts and skills. This
program aimed to attract new students from currently underrepresented
groups in Computer Science and to build a learning community with
them. We hoped to retain these students as Computer Science
majors/minors and to acquaint them with possible careers in this
field. If you are interested in obtaining the exercises we used
at Rutgers for this program, please email me here at Virginia Tech.
Here is my talk at the Software Engineering Education Symposium on on the Benefits of Peer Led
Team Learning in CS.
Courses Taught:
Address: 114 McBryde (0106)
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Office: 1107 Knowledgeworks II
Phone: 540-231-8452
Fax: 540-231-4240
Email: ryder 'at' ryder "at"