CS 5984 Advanced Computer Graphics: Parallel Computing and Visualization on GPU
Fall 2010

Class lecture notes:
Date Description Link
08/24/2010 Course Overview and Introduction Lecture1
08/26/2010 CUDA Programming Model Lecture2
09/01/2010 Real Time Ray Tracing Lecture3
09/07/2010 Ray Tracing Algorithm Lecture4
09/09/2010 Computation to Core Mapping Lecture5
09/14/2010 GPU Memory Lecture6
09/16/2010 GPU Memory II Lecture7
09/21/2010 Optimization Strategies Lecture8
09/23/2010 Advanced Cuda Features Lecture9
10/05/2010 Acceleration Structure for Ray Tracing Lecture10
10/07/2010 Acceleration Structure for Animated Scene Lecture11
10/19/2010 Volume Rendering Lecture12
11/04/2010 Global Illumination Lecture14


Homework Assignments:

Due Date Description Link
09/07/2010 Introduction to CUDA Programming Homework 1
09/28/2010 GPU Ray Casting Homework 2
10/19/2010 GPU Ray Tracing using kD-Tree Homework 3